chapter 3~ the test

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The prettiest smile hide the deepest secrets. The prettiest eyes have cried the most tears. And the kindest hearts have felt the most pain

I woke up and sat up as I rubbed my eyes as looking around my room and then I laid back down. I had this twisted feeling in my stomach the feeling of fear. The feeling of knowing that today is the day. My mom knocked on my door and I quickly shut my eyes pretending to be asleep. Haelynn wake up it's your birthday! I pretended to just wake up as I yawned, Good Morning. I have something for you she held up a plate in front of me. The smell of cinnamon filled my nose as I looked and saw a cinnamon bun. I smiled excitedly how do you get this? I went to the bakery this morning. That's like all the way across town i said. But it was worth it to see you smile. I'm going to go now go ahead and get dressed and ready we need to go soon. After I finished my breakfast i got ready i put on the white dress and my boots and walked downstairs. My mom was standing at the door, wow you look great Haelynn. I have one last thing to give you someone dropped it of at the healers office this morning and it got delivered its from the agri division. I lifted an eyebrow as i took the gift wondering who it could be. And then as I opened the brown paper it was wrapped in I saw a little slip that said from Cam I smiled how did she remember? I pulled out a little silver bracelet that was made up of little connected circles then a little folded note I pulled it out and read it it said Made it myself for you hope to see you today -Cam. That's pretty who gave it to you my mom asked. My friend Cam I met her the other day. I told my mom all about her while we were walking to the building to get my test done. 

When we got 15 minutes down the road to where the center of all the divisions are you saw dozens of people my age going into the building. My mom pointed to where the healers division was lined up she nodded and smiled at me. Just know that no matter what the test says and what you decide i will be okay and i love you. I smiled and nodded walking over to where the healers were lined up slowly we started to enter the building and then we sat and waited for what felt like forever i didn't talk to anyone did not move until finally, my name was called. Haelynn Hazel Abernathy said a girl standing there dressed in blue as she said my name I felt chills down my spine. I stood up and walked towards her as we walked into a room with 2 chairs and a machine. I sat in the first chair as she sat in the second. I'm just going to attach these wires to the middle of your arm they have a needle in them but it shouldn't hurt to bad she said. I thought you only pricked fingers i replied. Well i think we need to do some different testing on you. But why I raised my eyebrow. Because she started to say in a harsh voice that made me jump but then lightened her voice back to its regular tone, because sense your mom dropped out of healers we have to know. I raised my eyebrows slightly concerned and confused but nodded my head. As she poked the 2 patches in my arm I gritted my teeth I felt a shock go through my whole body. Close your eyes and relax now the woman said.

 I nodded as I closed my eyes and tried to relax. Now in a few seconds its going to knock you out for a few minutes but you should be fine. I nodded my head as I drifted off. I looked around, I was in the room we were in but the woman was gone and so were the patches on my arm. I felt a sharp pain in my wrist and as I looked down I saw the words free appear on my wrist in cursive i tried to smudge it off and it wouldn't smudge it was tattooed there. I looked around and the walls started closing in on me I panicked and as they were closing in i looked around seeing no escape the room started filling up with a black substance i started to panic then i looked down at my wrist. Be free, I thought of the defenition free the ability to act or think as one wants without restraint. I closed my eyes as I felt the black substance begin to wrap around my waist and I panicked. Then I jolted up it was a dream? I looked around and saw 2 people above my bed the woman and a man they were both smirking as I looked around confused. I looked at my wrist where the tattoo was and it wasn't there anymore and i was still hooked to patches. You were out for 10 minutes that 8 longer than usual. She looked at the man as he smirked at me the smirk made me feel unsteady. Well can i have my results then? We couldn't receive them sense you were out so long the man said. I looked over at the woman well can i take these off now i questioned. The woman came over and took them off. I stood up from the chair and began to walk out. The woman watched me as I walked out, see you later tonight Haelynn. 

I walked into my house and sat on the couch where my mom was trying to process what just happened. How'd it go sweetie my mom said. I broke it i said quietly. You what? They couldn't get my results mom. what why she asked concerned. So I told her everything that had happened and by the look on her face she seemed worried. When i finally gave her a chance to talk and listen to me Haelynn I love you and I want you to be safe look i can't explain now but you have to go into audacious that's the only way your going to be safe. What why i- i cant i can't leave you i said sadly i started to get choked up. Listen to me Haelynn you have to ill be fine this is for your safety ill always be with you i promise. 


A little note from me the author :)

Hey lovelys i didn't really know what to put in this extra section for this chapter buti've been wondering if i should make the chapters longer so whoever reads this please comment if you would like the chapters to start becoming bigger also THANKKK YOUU for reading my story it means so much to me!! Enjoy the rest of your day, night evening whatever time it is!!!

Love, Hazelحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن