Full Moon

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Alex's POv

The students rose after hearing the school bell. I was left alone enduring this stupid headache.

Boom boom boom. I feel like there's war inside my  skull. I popped two painkillers to make it go away and started leaving. On my way home, I ran into someone.

"Hey Al!" Oh it's Jake, my best friend. We've been friends since we were little, well he's actually my only friend since back then. He always visits home with his family, his parents and mine are very close. But, they moved to another place a couple of years ago and moved back in the beginning of school this year. I actually had the tinsiest little crush on him, cause he's so smart, handsome, kind, cari---

Gah!! Stop it head! Let's get back to the story...

"Hey! What's up?" I answered quickly.

"I've been wondering, are you busy this weekend?"

(my phone rings)

I ignore it.

"Nope, why?"

"You sure you don't want to answer that?" He asked, worried.

"Nah, it's just my mom. It's ok."

"Oh okay, so I'm playing basketball this Saturday, wanna come and watch? That's if you're not busy." He smiled.

"Saturday? You mean tomorrow? Yeah! I'll be there."

"You'll really come?"

"Sure, no prob---" He suddenly hugged me.

"Thanks Al!" He whispered softly in my ear. Huh? What's up with him?

He immediately released me from his hug and headed home.

I was surprised by my mom when I entered home.

"Alex! Come inside! Quick!" She pulled me inside vigorously.
It's my first time to see my mom so frantic.

"Mom..... Mom! What's up? What's going on?" I asked, completely clueless.

"I need to tell you something. It's very important. But first, why weren't you answering my calls?! I was so worried!"

"Uhh.. I was busy mom...." I just didn't want to answer her call that time cause I was talking to Jake, if she knew she'd tease me.

"Yeah right! As if! You're still late. So anyway, I have to tell you something."

"Yeah... You were blabbering about it all day. What is it?"

"It's full moon tomorrow.." While she was talking, I opened the fridge

"Yea so?" I grabbed the milk jug and drank from it while talking to her.

"You are turning into a werewolf" she said blatantly.

PFTHK *cough *cough

"What the heck mom?! You high?" I sputtered milk all over the place.

She explained everything. She also said that she has to lock me up tomorrow night. What the hell? My mom is going nuts.

"Seriously mom? Are you sure you didn't hit your head or something?" I am actually worried here.

"Unfortunately not my dear." She said. While doing the squirrel face over the spilled milk.

"Mom.. seriously are you ok?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2017 ⏰

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