Chapter 4

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It was a boy I think for How far I could see. He was screaming for help, I runned to him and asked what was wrong and the only thing he said was that we had to go and fast!
Just when he said that a weird beast showed up on the Hill behind us, is asked what it was but he just took my hand and ran away with me.

A while later we stopped running and walked to a Little house called "castle byers"
Annie: Is that yours
Will: yeah, its mine
Annie: whats your name and what the was that?
Will: i'm Will and that was a demogorgon!
Annie: a what?
Will: nothing we have to go

Before I knew we were outside and I saw the demogorgon thing watching us and then he ran up to us and I putted my hands up when I saw him.. him flying above me and fell on the ground me behind me, dead

Will: did you just...?
Annie: Uhm i dont know, Lets just go

Will questioned a lot about me, Why I had powers, if I knew I had them.
I never answerd them. I was thinking so hard that I didn't notice were we were, one town further. Hawkings

Will: i'll bring you to my friends so they can meet you, we were just playing D&D when I heard it
Annie: yeah Okay!

My dad had died in a car accident I think my aunt told me, and I never knew my mom so I lived with my aunt but I never liked her so running away is fun.

Will: we are here
Annie: who's house is it?
Will: mike's, Mike Wheeler!
Annie: owh Okay

Will walked in the house and said hi to mike's mom and just straight up too the basement. When I walked down I saw 5 other kids from my age
They stared to me and asked Why I had a bloody nose. I then wiped the blood away and Will introduced me

Will: Guys this is.. wait whats your name
Lucas: you dont even know her name and you brought her here?! Are you crazy!
Annie: i'm Annie
Mike: hi Annie, Uhm I'm Mike
Annie: hi

His eyes were pretty, his voice was soft, his hair is cute and he stared into my eyes.

Dustin: Uhm Hello Guys?
Mike: Uhm Thats dustin, and eleven, Max, Lucas and me and Will!

Lucas: but Will Why did you bring her here?
Will: she saved me! From the demogorgon just How el can do it
Annie: wait How el can do it?
Eleven: I have powers, do you have them too?
Annie: wait No! That beast just flied away I think!
Dustin: demogorgons can't fly!
Will: see you have powers

Eleven walked up to me and grabbed my wrist, Since I was Little There was a 012 on me, I never knew Why but I thought it was bitchin!
Eleven whisperd to me

Eleven: you do have powers look.
She showed me her wrist where the number 011 was facing me.

Mike: el what is it
Eleven: she has powers look!
Mike: she has number 012
Dustin: welcome to the club, if you want to be our friend though?
Eleven whisperd to me that we were actually sisters and that her real dad is a monster but that he had already died!
Mike: Okay Lets leave her alone

Everyone left, except for me.
Annie: Mike?
Mike: yeah what is it
Annie: I dont have a sleeping place do you know where I can go?
Mike: you can stay here?

Mike Made this tent in the basement were I was allowed to sleep, his mom knew about me and she came down.

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