Tagged by dark-stormy-knight

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So Stormy (dark-stormy-knight)  tagged me and I shall do just do that.

So, all I have to do is tell 13 things about myself.


Welp, here are 13 things about myself. Enjoy!

1: my zodiac sign is Gemini.

2: I am 164cm tall (5'3")

3: I live in Switzerland but I love Canada and would like to move to Canada. Maybe one day..

4: I cannot sit normally on any kind of chair or couch.

5: for all the harry potter fans. I  a Ravenglaw. (Even though pottermore still wants to make me believe that I'm a Gryffindor.)

6: in my second year of school, I played the violin but stopped when my parents broke up and my mom and I moved away. So I only know the basics but I would love to start learning the violin again.

7: when I go to a new place I don't know I will inspect every last detail before I can relax. That will also happen to places I go every day, like my room. It is kind of a protection for myself I guess..

8: I prefer to have a video chat instead of a normal phone call. Because one: it hurts my ear and two: because of fact number 9.

9: I can't identify emotions like other do it. Okay, let me explain a bit. Lets say there is a person and they are sad but they are not crying or are vocal about it, they just seem sad, how can you tell?
I have to go for body language, the way they talk, how they usually behave vs how they behave now. Where others might just know that that person is sad. It is hard to explain but that is the best explanation I can give.

10: I can have eye contact with someone. To hide that I can't, I would look at the bridge of the nose, eye brows or if they have glasses I would look at the glasses.

11: I can't just sit there and enjoy a movie without doing something while watching. Basically, if I can't multitask; I'm bored. So it is not just with movies but also with everything else. So school was fun! *cough cough sarcasm cough*

12: I am really bad at compliments and normal polite gestures.

13: (I first didn't know if I should put it in or not but uhh..) I am an Asberger.

Hope that was informative and if you have any questions you want to ask me about a surrten fact you want to know, let me know.

Now I have to tag 20 other people....but I don't think I now that much on here..I just tag as much as I can.

I tag:


@......uhhh..yeah I think that's it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2019 ⏰

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