~Akari x Dark~ [Vo.2]

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[*Heh.. it's been a damn while huh? Well I'm back for more you sinners~ by the way this is a different story topic about these two. Enjoy UwU*]

          It was another day like any other.. or it was eventually nighttime at this moment. Anyways, Dark had recently got out of a nice hot shower, wrapping the towel around her main parts of the body; the top of her body, her thighs, and along with her covering her womanhood of course as she brushed her hair with a comb. In the meantime, Akari just came out of work an hour and half ago, her job isn't always easy work but would spend her time, getting important phone calls, helping out in meetings, and didn't have break times and today was that busy day she had from all of that. She worked in a small business, that includes a lot of money talk for a company she is working for, she started working in that company for almost two years after Dark and herself moved in together. She was in the bedroom, laying her stomach on the mattress. She had this tired expression on her face, wanting to pass it but in reality she didn't feel that tired to fall asleep just yet. Let's just say she is a bit bored and wants to get work out of her head, though she had something in mind. Going to the movies but what was the point? It was late at night. Ten at this point it said in the clock standing in their nightstand.                                                                                              A few minutes passed, Dark had stepped out of the bathroom as she had her still wet drenched hair. Going over to get some pajamas or something comfortable out of the closet for her to wear at the moment since she didn't feel tired either so it was even for the two girls. As Dark was changing, though wasn't fully exposed as she had her shoulders and upper back being exposed only as Akari looked up slowly before she had her face on a pillow. Looking at her lover with those eyes of hers, since she knew she could never handle her own hyper sexual activity, she would automatically get turned on by what she sees or if she is really in a desperate situation of attention and affection. So.. there is really nothing she can or anyone can do to fix this, it affected her past life so that's how she end up with this different mind state.. Akari slowly watched her undo her towel but something in her spark as she got off of the bed and sneakily  walked behind her and suddenly grabbed her hugged her waistband which he ended up getting her a few inches off the ground from hugging her a bit tight. As she let out deep chuckle and kissed her neck a bit but this made Dark very uncomfortable and was processing on what the hell just happened at this moment.                                                                                                                                                  This made her blush really hard like it made her cheeks lit up with a soft reddish pink color almost covering her entire face. Looking almost like a tomato at this point. Though she wiggles her shoulders a bit to signal Akari let go of her but she knew she wouldn't give in to her plead. "Akari.. can you please let go like I'm still pretty naked. I need to get dressed." As she moved her body a bit but Askari eventually gave in, letting her set her feet on the ground but didn't move away from Dark as she laid her head on left shoulder, her hand on her hips. "Hmm what's wrong? We are woman here aren't we? No need to be embarrassed of me seeing you like this doll~" she used her teasing skills on her, while she made more kisses on her neck. Going to the sensitive spots she knew as Dark let out a soft mumbled whine under her breath. Though eventually Dark let her do as she wanted and stopped resisting on trying to get her to stop because.. it barely even works when she uses her tactics to save herself from Akari being like this mostly all the damn time. A few minutes had passed, Akari and Dark were having their sweet moments. Just receiving some kisses from Akari as she whispered sweet but dirty talks to her. But a few seconds passed, and Akari slowly walked back a few steps but took the chance to quickly push her lover to the bed, her back laying on the mattress as the towel went loose a bit showing more of her upper part of her legs.                                                                                                                                                 Akari smirked devilishly and made her way to make space by not laying next to her but went on top of Dark, laying her whole body on top of her, Almost throwing herself. Dark oofed in some surprise as she let out an annoyed groan.. looks like she regret her decision on letting Askari taking over.. which she had never should've done but she was too soft on her at times so it wasn't easy when Askari wants to get what she needs for her problem. Of course, Akari can be sex-high like 24/7 but sometimes would end up just cuddling, kissing, talking about her thoughts and her pass life to Dark. Though it was never easy to begin with. "Jesus Christ you are unbelievable.." she muttered to herself as Akari laid her head on her chest, snuggling between then even though they were still covered by the towel. Akari shrugged as she hummed softly a sweet tune to herself but stopped and looked up at her "Oh? Why so grumpy doll face~?" Making this weird funny smirk at her and wiggles her eyebrows which cause Dark to look away a bit and pout, "You wanting to have sex with me at a wrong time and don't you see I'm pretty fucking wet. I'm gonna make the mattress all soaked because of you.." she was pretty serious but still.. she was kind of enjoying how Akari was being the dominant here. "Ah don't worry about the bed. Sorry I just.. I had a hard day and need to get shit out of my head and I know you are the right girl for me to fix that~" kissing her cheek which made her calm her anger a bit. She sighed again and tilted her head to the right side as both their head touched. Akari's hand slowly went went down her top part of the body to the lower half, smoothly let her fingers dig throw her soft beautiful flesh from her inner thighs as Dark felt the touch, making her eyes widen in some insecureness and looked at Akari. Grabbing her wrist quickly "Stop.." she told her, having a worried tone in her voice as she had this sadden look in her eyes all of sudden like Akari did something wrong to upset her..                                                                                                                                 This concerned Akari, eventually stopping what she was doing and didn't go any further with this if Dark didn't feel comfortable anymore or seeming like being touched his much. But something seemed off and Askari could feel it but couldn't explain it well to herself. "Sorry I- you okay? I didn't hurt you, did I?" As she starting to feel guilt hit her. Dark looked away, shaking her head no "You didn't it's just.. I.. I'm sensitive down there and it makes feel a bit weird." Akari felt that was half of the truth but something else bugged her "Are you sure it isn't just that?" As she had soft expression showing, her smirk flattered away from sight. Dark looked slightly at her lover and sighed deeply, shaking her head no again. "Not only that but I just don't like how my thighs look, also for my stomach.. I just tried to stop eating or eating more less everyday but recently these years I had been growing thick in my legs and stomach and that's when I started to despise how my body looks.." it felt like she was trying to loose the fat in her legs and stomach but to Akari, there was nothing wrong with her. She looked perfect the way she is..why would she think this way. Did she have body dysmorphia? Or might have a case of anorexia? It seemed like both but probably more of anorexia. Akari got herself off of Dark, sitting up and grabbed her shoulder blades with her hands. Turning her body around to look at her "Dark.. listen to me, hear me out at least.. There is nothing wrong with your body looking the way it is now then it not used to be in the past. But please.. don't try to starve yourself mostly the entire day. It's not healthy, your bones would grow weak if you don't eat regularly and you don't want that and I don't want that for you either Darkness. You're beautiful the way you look. Besides how would the others feel about you doing this, they would do the same I did. Convince to stop and that there would be consequences in the end like you would end up in the hospital since your body be like a walking skeleton, seeing your bones through your flesh. You grow sick too which you would end up dead..I-I don't want you.. we don't want to l-lose you Darkness especially Alex. Think about how she would feel.." Akari's eyes were about a few seconds to bursting into tears.. she would hate to see Dark in that situation and would lose her.. she was the only lover who she loved and cared for then those past relationships she had. She made it passed those two years. Her longest relationship ever.. and she was happy she met Dark, loving how she looked, her personality, her appreciation and empathy for others, though she can get a bit moody at times which she loved it when she got bitchy, that's when she really does her teasing.  Dark felt some regret from what she said earlier and didn't think about what would happen if she did die of starvation. Oh Alex.. her best friend that she had known almost all her life, seeing her dead body.. man.. would she become so lonely and would mourn for months.. maybe even years. Atari soon hugged her waist as she cried softly into her shoulder "We all care about you. I care about you. We-We just don't want you to hurt yourself in such a way.." Dark felt the sadness coming from her as she softly started to cry as well.                                                                                                    Both of them cried for a few minutes as Dark apologetically says her sorries so many times "I'm sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry.. i- no you w-were right. I just.. I hate how look because I think you would judge m-me.." Akari raised her head up "No.. don't say that. I would never judge you for how you look Dark. I'm not that fucking cruel to you.." Telling the truth that she wasn't one of those judgmental people, not liking for who you are or look like. Wanting to be normal like everybody else in the world but you can't change a person, that's their decision and not yours. Dark smiled softly, sniffing while Akari wipes her tears away with her both thumbs as Dark did the same but kissed the tears away instead as it caused her lover to blush show on her cheeks. She soon brought Dark to her lap and kissed her lips as Dark kissed back, having her arms around her neck. 'Her lips tasted so sweet', Akari would always think to herself when she got had the chance to win her over with kisses on the lips. Dark wasn't much of making her first moves as Akari would do the honors which she understood how Dark gets if she did. Making herself embarrassed on her actions like that one time she pushed her against the wall but seeing how smaller she was then Akari it caused her to whine in embarrassment, but to Akari it unexpected but cute. Anyway, Akari slowly went down to undo her towel from the top. As it fell on her lap a bit but not the whole thing as she immediately went to suck on one of her perky nipples, as her hand went to play with her other breast. Causing her lover to moan loudly, echoing throughout their bedroom but after a few seconds, she went to cover her mouth with one hand as the other hand was still wrapped around her neck. Knowing her sensitive spots, Akari would always go after them.                                                                                                                                 Dark tried so hard not to make her moans even worse, she too much of a sentiré person when it came to foreplay also after that~ Akari used her magic to move her hand out of the mouth's way. Putting her arm around back her neck where the other arm was, Akari would secretly slap her ass from time to time as it would cause her to yelp in surprise and some embarrassment "Kari~!" She moaned out while pouting. This caused her lover to stop what she was doing and give her lustful expression at her "What~? Come on doll, you can't help but loving it~ Though I might say.." she soon got something out of sweatpants pocket. To be more unexpected for Dark, it was collar. A sky blue color but in a lighter shade, Dark didn't have the time to look at it very well as Akari started to put it around her neck before unclipping it and clipping after it was around her neck. She made a soft but alluring smile "Like what I got you~ Though I painted over the normal color of the collar and I wanted it to matched your beautiful eyes~" this caused Dark to blush even more as it spreader throughout her face, maybe her entire face. She was flattered but it looked kinky also. Collars were meant to show that masters own their pet, and that no one is to touch or too close with them.                                                                                                                                           Dark touched the front of the collar, she made a soft smile to herself then looked up at her lover as she went to undo the towel fully off her body, letting it be exposed as she threw the towel somewhere in the room. "I love it.. Mommy~" she winked at her and gave her small kiss on the lips after she pulled away. Akari blushed even more from that but smiled even more, seeing her in this mood "Glad you do doll~" as she went to attack her neck, giving her nips, bites, and of course.. along with soft kisses. Dark loved this affection she was receiving from her lover, she tilted her head back to expose the front side of the neck as she went to attack the collarbone after she had done that. Letting out soft sexy moans and purrs as well~ you would know how her moans would sound in reality. Very alluring and adorable~ Akari's hands started to play with her body. Her hand on her thigh but soon tip toed over to touch her folds of her womanhood. Which Dark let another moan along with a gasp. Her fingers carefully slid between her folds, thrusting them in roughly, as she could feel how warm and wet she was by this point. Dark let out more loud pleasured moans, no pain she felt.. just yet "Holy shit doll~ you really are needy tonight~" she teased as she picked up the pace a bit. Dark's grip on her lover's shoulder became more tighter as she couldn't take it and would easily cum. Which actually ended up happening "A-Ahhh-Hahhh~!" Morning out, as she came on her lover's fingers. Akari felt the need to fuck her ass at this point, taking her fingers out and licked the cum off with her tongue "Mmm.. taste pretty sweet doll~ though since you came without my permission. I might have to punish you~" she pushed her on the bed again, turning her body around. Her stomach now laying on the mattress as her ass was facing towards Akari. She slapped her asscheeks in just a way to tease Dark "Damn what a view~" she let out a devilish chuckle and spread her legs a bit with her magic, getting into the position as she used some of her magic to form male genitals. Dark but her lower lip when she heard ruffling from the back, meaning Akari was starting to take off her sweatpants as her member was fully formed. [Don't ask. Magic.]                                                                                               She soon felt something throbbing against her folds, as she softly let out a soft purr. Looking at the back of her to only see Akari but can't see what she was doing until she felt her member pushed in deeper into her wet cunt, as she felt tears curl up at the corner of her eyes. She could feel the pain and not pleasure just yet since this was the beginning. She tried not to scream since it actually hurt. Though Akari let Dark adjust for a while and went to kiss the back of her neck "Shit.. you're tight~" She whispered in her ear with that alluring sexy tone which made Dark more wet at this moment. Dark wiggled her hips a bit so she would adjust more quickly and want this so bad she couldn't wait any longer. The connection from Akari's lust went through Dark so that's why she seems in a very needy state, "And you're pretty big, mommy~" she teased back with her tongue sticking out. This made Akari slap her ass harshly as she couldn't help it but Dark loved it as she gasped in pleasure and whined a bit "It's obvious you can move now~ I need you just to fuck me, dammit." Pouting at her. She nodded at her with a deep smirk and began the deed~ A few minutes had passed, and the moans were getting louder and louder by every thrust. Dark was losing her energy by this point, she couldn't keep up as she grew more weak. Her legs began to tremble which meant she was close. This her second time cumming  in just twelve minutes. Askari wasn't even close to even releasing just yet as she would moan also but it was rarely even heard as she would keep them to herself "Oh fuck~!" Dark moaned out as she came yet again, Akari felt her liquids which meant it was easier to push in deeper. But seeming she hit her g-spot just in time~ Dark let out a pleasure scream while Akari spanking her ass while still fucking her tight wet cunt, though Akari had only pre-cummed a bit but was already close to release inside her lover "Just so that you remember doll. You're M I N E and no one else is gonna let you touch or getting too damn close or I will have to fucking end their lives with my own strong bare hands.. got that?" She was actually serious. If she ever even plan to play along with anyone who tries to get with her well.. consequences would start happening and she does not want to have to do that to her sweet little devil~                                                                         When Dark had heard those words, it kind of terrified her but knew she would never have another heart for some other stranger. Her heart only had one place for Akari and no body else. She listened and nodded at her "Yes mommy, I'm all yours~!" she had moaned out while she kept roughly and deeply fucking her, by that time her tongue rolled out of her mouth as long as well for her toes now being curled up, feeling too much of the pleasure hitting her.  Akari might be a sex-high person but she does take shit serious, not too serious but things that would piss her off, jealous, or even offended. Anyways Akari very close to releasing into Dark as she did the right way of warning her when she was seconds away of cumming. Dark came the fourth time when Akari released her hot seed into her, which they needed up moaning loudly.. Akari didn't pull out just yet until she fully filled Dark up, ever single little drop~ Dark had collapsed  on the bed as she could no longer being in a doggy style position. She painted heavily, her heart rapidly racing, her sweat causing her to feel hot even more and her skin feeling icky. Akari pulled out carefully, not trying to hurt her as she sighed in relief and collapsed as well but fell aside next to Dark, her arms going around her waistband, pulling her body closer as they touched as Dark laid her head on her lover's chest. Dark had this tired look in her eyes, in any second now she was gonna pass out from exhaustion and so was Akari, she gave her small kiss on the cheek and used her magic to pull the covers over their bodies. But before they would peacefully rest, Dark wanted to say something before she can worn out "I.. I love you Kari." She whispered in a soft tune though it sounded a bit raspy due to the loud moans she let slipped out of her mouth as well as the screaming. Akari chuckled softly and put her hand on her left cheek "I love you too." As she pulled her into a kiss, as Dark happily kissed back. It went on for two minutes before they pulled away and Askari licking her lover's lips to tease her as it caused Dark to pout in some embarrassment and still being flattered, she went to the crook of her neck and kissed her spot. "Night.." she mumbled to Akari before she let the sleepiness take over. Akari purred softly, nuzzling her cheek before resting her eyes. The girls slept peacefully throughout the rest of the night until a new day would come.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2019 ⏰

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