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I think today's topic is very interesting. Every person have one best friend or more than one. Maybe you' ll say that I am wrong and there is people who don't have even one friend. But I now what I am saying. This people just haven't met that person who would make you laugh, cry, shout, scream and feel all the emotions to the end. But how do I now that? Finding a real friend is not easy and now I will tell you what I've been trough and how I met my first true friend.

I have always been shy and I still am. Talking to new people is very hard for me. And because of this i was very nervous and scared when I started going to school. After the teacher's speech everyone started to talk to each other and to separate themselves into groups. When I had enough courage to talk to someone I decided to do it and I did. I asked one girl who looked kind: 'Do you want to be my friend?' Maybe you think that was the whole story, but you are very wrong. The girl's answer was: 'Sorry, but I have a friend already' I felt sad I didn't know why I even tried to talk to somebody. It was easier to make friends when I was on the kindergarten. By the way I contacted my best friend from the kindergarten only a few years after we started going to school. There are other kids from my childhood, and I keep in touch with them but it is just not the same as before. Anyway, I was standing at the corner of the room when a girl with blond hair come to me. We started talking and we became friends. We were going everything together and were sharing everything. Unfortunately it didn't last long. She switched schools at the end of the year. When I met her again tree years after that she didn't wanted to talk to me and hide behind her mother. Also a few weeks ago I understood that the only thing my first grade friend remembers about me is my name.

For my luck in second grade I started talking to a boy who was sitting next to me. And we actually had many things in common. I was happy I had a new friend, but at the and of the year he moved to London and I haven't herd anything from him since then. I will always keep the present he gave to me. It is just a coloring book, but it means a lot to me.

In third and fort grade I was alone. When someone sat next to me everyone started laughing , pointing and making photos with their phones. Then back I thought that I will never have a friend again. And in these tho years I started to go into my shell. And I am still going out of there.

And the moment when I met someone who could be my friend came, when I was in fifth grade. I was standing with my new classmates at the school yard and was thinking how I would be alone for another tree years. But suddenly something that I didn't expected happened and it changed my life. My English teacher came to me and introduced me to a girl in my class, who was also a little shy. We started chatting and that was the moment when everything changed. We became best friends and this time it was real. We are still best friends and we will always be.

Thank you @Alby_Ann2003 for becoming my best friend,and for that you don't leave me like the others do. Thank you for that you accepted me and liked me for who I was. Thank you for that you have always been on my side and for that you always make me smile. I will always be grateful for that you came into my life when I needed you and you didn't let me fall into the hole to which I was headed. You will always have a special place in my heart.

That is how I met my best friend. But that is not the end. We were always together, but in six and seventh grade somehow we became part of a very cheerful, kind, awesome group. I was going to school and coming back home with the most important people except my family. Sixth and seventh years of middle school were one of the most happiest years in my life. I found people who really matter to me and who I can really trust and know they will always be next to me. Do you remember the girl who I tried to talk to in first grade. She was a part of the group and she is like a sister to me. I want to thank her and the other tree girls for being part of my life. I want to take them for every smile, laugh, joke, advice and for making these tho years and the years after that the happiest and the most special.

Sometimes I really think the time can fly. Somehow it was the time for me to go to high school. I had to go to new school, meet new people and make new friends. The power of the hole which was dragging me there started to come back. I became as shy as I was into first grade. This time I wasn't scared to talk, I was terrified. In eight grade I was alone again. Everyone was laughing at me and was pointing. I was feeling sad and lost like I was feeling in third and forth grade. But hopefuly at the end of the year another girl started talkin to me and made me happy again.

Thank you @Soy_Estrella for that you started talking to me and for that you was next to me in the end of eight grade and in ninth grade anf for that you still are. I am happy and gratefull for that I met you and I hope that our friendship will Last forever. You really helped me in this one year and a few mounts. Because of you, all classmates who don't mind acepting me like a part of the class. Also i want to thank to the group of friends who also helped me. Also I want to thank the teacher who are trying me to make me talk.

And the last person I want to tank is vassdeniss. I want to thank you for that you are still texting me although if I am included into the conversation it is not very normal.

Because of all these people and because of the things which happened to me I learnt that the true friendship is hard to find and keep it, but it is worth it. It just takes a little time to meet the right people.

So don't worry if you haven't met them yet. It will happen for sure. And if you have met them I wish you many happy and special moments.

And for last remember that:

Hello everyone! That is the new chapter

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Hello everyone! That is the new chapter. What do you think about it? Do you have best friend? If something similar to my situatio had happened to you, I want you to know that you are not alone. You don't need to be sad and lost. It will not help you. You are strong and you can fight it, just believe in yoursel. Find things which are making you happy and don't give up. I hopa that chapter was helpful and I am sorry if there are mistakes.

P.S.: The picture and the video aren't mine. They belong to the owners.

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