Sumer Wars: camping (part 10)

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Shaquala POV

I was crying through the blindfold and it drowned my eyes with tears. My pants were off.

What did I get to deserve this?

Then I heard punching and bones snapping. Next thing you know I heard Cario laughing. I realized what he had done. He took the tape off my mouth and started to kiss me. I started to cry some more and kissed him back. After he took the blindfold off my eyes.

Cario- why can't you understand I love you

Me- (yells) NO! YOU-(GCO)

Cario- (whispers) why don't you shut up or I'll break Huey's neck

Cario continued to talk while I looked at Huey getting up. Huey was about to punch him and Cario grabbed his arm and kicked him on the leg. So hard I heard a snap. Huey grinded his teeth in pain.

I know if I scream the worst will come, so I watched in pain.

Cario- do it with me or Huey dies

I had no choice so.....I nodded. I saw Huey trying to get up, but it was harder for him.

Cario- Huey my friend would loooove to see this

He took my shirt off....then Jessica and Zee came.

Zee- (pulls up sleeve) oh, you gonna get it

Jessica- no let me handle it (walks off)

I laid there in shock wondering what was going to happen next.

About five minutes later, I was shocked to see what was Jessica wearing....she looked like a........girly girl.

Her hair was in a ponytail, she was wearing pink converses, white knee socks, black skirt and link shirt. The worst part is *shudders* she was wearing make-up.

Jessica- (perky voice, skips to Cario) heeeyyy, Cario

Cario- heelllllloooo my love

Jessica- (glares) okay let's get this is over with (kisses Cario)

All of a sudden Cario disappear.

Jessica- (points at faces) I hate being  fake and a girly girl (passes out)

Zee dragged Jess back to her room, and I put a robe on.

Me- (tries not to cry) Huey.......stop trying to save me

Huey- I have to

Me- you broke your arm and legs and we're in the middle-

Huey- I did it for you, I don't go anywhere breaking my arm and leg to save people

Me- (put fingers through his hair) Huey

He rose both eyebrows.

Me- promise won't die........trying to save me

He pulled me closer with the hand that was not broken and nodded. I smiled and put my head on his shoulder.








Bruh, my book is getting worse, like foreal and none of y'all even told me!!

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