RED. Chapter Two.

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I tried to move. I couldn’t. I tried to flex my fingers and wriggle my toes. Nothing. Just a sickening numbness. This was abnormal and scary. This wasn’t right. In my mind I was thrashing and screaming. But in reality I was a quiet and still prisoner in the tomb of my body. I focused all of my energy, all of my power, all of my being on simply opening one eyelid. They felt like they had ten kilo weights attached to them. But I did it. I lifted one. As I blinked it, it became less heavy, lighter and easier with each blink.

I saw nothing but white. I remember thinking 'oh god, he’s killed me. He’s blinded me. He’s taken me. I’m over, I’m done.'

As I kept blinking I was able to open my other eye. My vision was still very fuzzy and I couldn’t hear anything. Not a sound. Something dark and shadowy moving fast obscured my white fluffy vision. The white started to go browner and things became a little crisper.

I heard a ringing in my head, a high pitched squeal that burned my eardrums. There was a fuzzy and clouded sound. I concentrated. It became clearer. A woman’s voice, my mum, unmistakable to me. There was a screaming in the background, I recognised it as my sisters. She was screaming of fear, sadness and anger all at once.

"Can you hear me? Sweet heart, get up!! We have to go! Now!"

My vision finally became crisper and I saw my mother standing above me. I was on the floor boards and felt blood dripping down my ears. I didn’t know if it was from me or my mother’s horridly disfigured jaw that was dripping blood from my father’s recent blow, all I knew was I could feel it. I twitched. I could move again. The ecstatic happiness that flowed through me was overwhelming. Even more so than the pounding or the dizziness. I sat up happily only to have my eye catch something.


My father lay limp and stationary on the floor, beer bottle still in his hand.

I flinch backwards at the sight of him

"Shhh shhh darling its ok, he threw Rachel off him and I kicked him in the back of the knee. He fell backwards and hit his head of the corner of the coffee table, darling we have to go."

I looked around the room and saw evidence of the catastrophe be told to me.

My father on the ground with a gash on the back of his bald head, blood on the corner of the table, Rachel balled up in a corner crying and screaming and a dent in the hallway door, most likely where she had been thrown.

I slowly arose and pulled myself to my feet, I had a sickening sway but put it behind me, no time for injuries.

I hobbled and limped over to Rachel and helped her to her feet and we both trudged out the front door, mum taking the packed bags she had prepared to leave with.

We thought it was all over, we thought we were in the clear until a small gurgling sound come from my father on the floor.

Rachel and I froze as mum ran to the car and started it.

I saw my father roll over on the floor, groaning and then he looked at us, cold eyed and vengeful.

"YOU...!" he yelled

I tried to dodge it, I tried to pull Rachel out of the way. But I was too slow. He looked up and threw his beer bottle straight at us, hitting Rachel straight in the head, smashing and shattering glass everywhere, knocking her out dead cold in my arms.

I woke up screaming and panting covered in sweat. I looked around the old style hotel room and instantly relaxed. I’m safe now. I’m not with him.

I noticed the digital alarm clock sitting next to my bed, reading 4:57 AM.

Today is going to be a long day.


So how was that? Second ever chapter? Hope it turned out ok n_n. please leave a comment or vote or anything, I’d love to hear what you think to see if I could continue writing. Please tell your friends about the book and promote it, the more reads, the more belief I have in this book. :) xx RubyGaloobie

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2012 ⏰

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