lucio x male servant [smut]

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information: you are a male servant working at the castle to help pay for your sick younger brother's treatment. this is your second day and the count had requested your presence. portia was the one servant you knew the best, so you asked her for advice.

you found portia in the hall, swiftly carrying a tray with a platter of cheese, a bottle of wine and a bottle of a fancy alcohol you've never heard of.
"hey, portia, can i talk to you a minute?"
you asked politely. she gave a small "sure!" and a quick smile and moved from the middle of the hallway to near you.
"what's up?"
she asked, shifting her feet uncomfortably. yesterday she had been complaining about her shoes being messed up, and it showed.
"umm," you stammered nervously. "count lucio asked for me.. and a bottle of.. some type of vodka?"
portia's eyes went wide.
"y/n, please be careful around the count. he's been angry ever since he came back."
"d-do you know why?"
"the people of vesuvia are.. scared of him. he came back after years, and no one knows what to think. he expected a welcome-back celebration."
"oh, well that's good to know in case he asks anything about it.." you trailed off.
"he's outraged right now, y/n, so please, try not to get on his bad side. i'm surprised he asked for you, so be cautious. and, if you can, please, always try to please him. if it goes too far, get out immediately. i haven't been in his chambers since he came back, so i'm not sure how he is, but just be careful, okay?"
"okay. thank you, portia. now, about the umm.. vodka that he ordered?.."
portia's eyes lit up in confusion but then remembered.
"oh! i have it with me!" she smiled and took the fancy alcohol bottle and gave it to you.
"thanks, portia!"
"of course. remember, be careful."
she mumbled the last part, and hastily walked off in a hurry to the countess's room.
you sighed and walked through the halls to count lucio's chamber, clutching the bottle of vodka.

you found his room and knocked on the door softly. "count lucio, it's me, y/n, the servant you requested."
you heard rustling, then a clearing of the count's throat.
"finally, took you long enough, sorry servants don't know how to be quick enough. come in!"
his voice boomed through the corridor and a flash of fear waved through you, but you composed yourself and opened the door.

the room was a mess. pillows had been ripped to shreds and clothes were scattered across the floor. the room looked worse than it did when it was abandoned, or so you were told.

you peered in, trying to find the count, and to your surprise, he was right next to you.

"close the door." he ordered gruffly and mumbled something along the lines of "do they just allow anyone to be a servant now?" as he walked towards his bed.
you complied and closed the door softly.
"um, count- where should I put the bottle?.." you asked quietly. he turned around and looked at you, his eyes almost a glowing haze in the darkness of the filthy room.
"on my bed." he mumbled and fiddled with his golden prosthetic arm.
you walked over to his bed, careful to dodge the mess on the floor and placed the bottle.
"o-okay, i'll go now"
you turned around with a confused look in your eye.
"did you not hear me? i said stay." lucio's voice was intimidating. "have a drink with me, i don't get many visitors."
"w-with all do respect, count, i- i don't think that's an appropriate request for a measly.. servant.." you mumbled, putting your head down.
"did you not hear me?! you dare question MY authority to tell you what to do?" he yelled through the room, his voice leaving you shaken.
"n-no, count, i just thought.."
"enough. my order is for you to have a drink with me." he pulled out two wine glasses and poured a high amount of vodka in both.
"i-i don't think i can drink that much, count.." you mumbled and he gave you a glare, quieting you.
he gave you the wine glass full of vodka and you took a sip with him.
the stuff was bitter, really, really bitter.
you immediately took the glass away from your lips and sputtered a cough, but the damage had already been done and you drank about 1/4th of the glass.
lucio burst out laughing as he easily drank it. "never gets old to see that. drink more with me, you're not done yet."

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