The Storm

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this holotape 

what secorets could it hold 

"Everything you know is a lie"

his voice echos over and over in my head 

I decided to make camp at the side of the road with my dogs

Shei and Dogmetal    (both mods!)



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why was I waiting, why was I stalling, was I afraid of what this thing had to say

or was it something else?

once done setting camp I let shei and metal rest on my lap

pulling the holotape out of my bag I took a closer look at it

it looked like any other Holotape but it had my name on it

it was written on with blue marker 


I felt Metal and Shei move to look at me

"what should I do?, should I play it?" I asked them

Metal gets up and noses my pip boy opening it

nervously sighing 

I put the holotape in then hit play

"Dear Laura, everything you know in this world is a lie." 

shauns voice?

"I know I dont have much time left, but I made this message for you, because you had to know the truth."

the truth huh?

"I have found pre war documents, stating of what you are,"


"you are something the institute could not make, something beyond human"


"you are a special assault cyborg"

a cyborg, the hell is that

then there was gun fire in the back ground

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2019 ⏰

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