Chapter 1: A Year and A Half Later

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A/N: This story is gonna focus mostly on Jay and Malia, since i noticed there hasn't been much content of them in my last two stories, so most of the chapters will be them together and I'm going to change some Jay scenes from the movie a bit. Enjoy, loves!


Malia's P.O.V.

Well, here we are again. My friends and I have already completed our classes and are now creating our own paths.

Jay and I are still engaged and are living in a small house next door to Evie's. She has designed me a whole new wardrobe and it's better than before.

"Sis, relax. If Uma was here, we would've gotten a warning already." I reassured my sister as we stood on the balcony of her and Ben's castle.

"Sorry. I've just been really paranoid lately. I just don't want Auradon or you guys getting hurt again." Mal explained as she set down her binoculars.

"We didn't really get hurt." I said.

"Still." she replied.

I sighed as I took her hand in mine. "Don't worry. Everything will be okay. Just focus on possibly becoming the new queen of Auradon." I said.

She smiled as she side-hugged me. "Thanks, sis." Mal told me.

It was then I heard footsteps behind us and we turned to see Ben there. "HI, girls. Um, Malia. Can I talk to you for a quick minute?" he asked.

I furrowed my eyebrows before nodding. Mal smiled at us as she looked out at the horizon again and I followed Ben inside. He closed the door and I was confused.

"I wanted to tell you something. It's about your sister." he explained quietly.

"What is it?" I asked.

He pulled out a small box and opened it, revealing a purple ring.

"I came to ask you if I could have your blessing to ask for Mal's hand in marriage." he asked.

I gasped before pulling him into a hug.

"Omg, Ben! This is amazing! Of course you have my blessing. I've always wanted a brother."

"Thank you. I'm going to ask her next week. I can't wait to ask her to be my wife." Ben told me.

"I wish you guys the best." I told him.

"Your's and Jay's wedding is going to be a week days after our engagement party, am I right?" he asked.

"Yeah. The both of us wanted it to be on the day of our anniversary. Makes it more meaningful." I said as I looked at the engagement ring sitting on my finger.

"I'm going to check on Eclipse. See you soon." I said as I hugged him. "See you, Malia." he replied.

I walked out of the castle and breathed the cool air.

I got my phone out and called Jay, him picking up after three rings.

"Hey, Malia."

"Hey, Jay. Where are you?" I asked.

"I'm at the gym with Chad and Carlos." he replied.

"Okay. I'm just going to go check on Eclipse. After that, I'm going to make dinner for us. What do you want me to make?" I asked.

"Whatever's fine with me."

"Okay, babe. I'll let you go. I love you." I told him.

"I love you too, babe." he replied before I hung up.

I got on my motorcycle and drove to the stables, where I was greeted by some of the stable hands. I turned the engine off before I grabbed an apple. Walking inside, I was greeted by snickers and neighs before I came to my horse's stall.

"Hey, girl." I greeted.

She snorted softly before walking over to me and taking the apple from my hand, eating it. I opened the stall door and got inside, closing it.

I went to Eclipse and placed my hands on the side of her stomach. I smiled as I could sense the foal in there. She was due any day from now. I was beyond excited because Ben explained that since she was my horse, any horse that came from her line would be mine.

I went over to her face and grabbed her gently by the halter, pressing my forehead on the side of my face. She nickered softly as I pressed a kiss to her face.

"I knew you were special when I first rode you." I whispered.

I stroked Eclipse's neck as her eyes closed in relaxation. Once she's ready to be ridden again, we're going for a stroll to the enchanted forest and I'll bring the little one along.

"Hello, Miss Malia." one of the stable hands greeted.

"Hello, Kellior. Does anybody need exercising today?" I asked.

"Umm, only Storm. Everybody else got taken on a run." he replied.

"Okay, thank you." I said.

Once he walked off, I looked at my beautiful mare and kissed her head. "I'll be back soon, okay?"

She snorted in response and nudged my face, making me giggle. I got out of the stall and closed it before going about four stalls down to the massive, chestnut stallion.

"Hey, Storm. You ready to go out?" I asked.

He whinnied and I took that as a yes. I grabbed his lead and opened the stall door before closing it so he wouldn't get out. I clipped his halter to the lead and led him out. I tied him up as I grabbed his tack.

After tacking him up and getting my helmet on, I led him out of the barn and got up onto his back. I clicked my tongue and he was walking.

We ended up going into the trails and he was already warmed up. I squeezed his sides before he went into a canter.

I smiled as we passed by different areas. I could see some of the woodcutters doing their job and I greeted them as they did the same.

As I rode on the massive stallion, I noticed another figure coming out on a horse too. I looked closer and saw that it was Shane.

I urged Storm to canter to where he was and I caught up with him. "Hey, bud."

"Hey, Malia. What's up?" he asked.

"Exercising Storm. I thought you and Hallie were going to do something." I explained.

"We are, but I'm trying to figure something out." he said.

"What?" I asked as I held onto Storm's reins.

"I want to ask her to move in with me." he replied, opening a velvet box and it had a key on it.

"Oh, my gosh! Shane, she's totally gonna say yes!" I exclaimed.

"You think so?" he asked.

"I know her better than anyone. She's my best friend and I know when she'll say yes or no. Hallie loves you so much, Charming. Go for it." I said.

He smiled and nodded before putting the box back in his pocket. "Thank you for the support."

"Hey, you're like a brother to me now. I just want my best friend to be happy and you make her just that." I replied.

We continued riding our horses, just talking and helping him plan on how and when to ask Hallie.

Mal's Twin Sister Part 3Where stories live. Discover now