Surprise Surprise You're Gonna Die

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Ch 1 Surprise, Surprise, You're Going to Die

Max P.O.V.

I woke up to the smell of bacon, instantly I knew this was

going to be a good day. Boy was I wrong.

I did my daily commute to the bathroom to get some of the

worst knots out of my hair, but when I pulled my hair back, I

saw a sort of tattoo on the back of my neck.

"Oh no, not now, right when life starts settling down." right

at the back of my neck, was a tattoo, with a date.

It said April 24, 2012 so I had exactly two weeks to live. I

wore a hoodie, avoiding my usual tank top style and headed down the stairs.

"Good morning everyone." I mumbled, it seemed like I was

in the bathroom for a long time, because even Nudge was


Nudged looked up at me from her magazine that we salvaged

from an abandoned gas station, and said "Good morning

Max, I can see you actually spent time in front of the mirror."

I nodded "There weren't many knots this time, luckily."

Nudge just nodded her head in response and went back to

her magazine.

I suddenly remembered to put up my mind block so Angel

couldn't read my thoughts.

I'm going to die, and with an expiration date. It's just such a

dismal way to die.

"Max?" I heard Angel's sweet voice, "Get out" she said sternly.

"W-what?" I said in disbelief.

"You heard me Max, or should I say Max II?" she spat with

venom in her voice.

"Max II, what did you do with our own Max?" this time I

heard Fang's deep voice, with a cold, stone-hard edge to his


I scoffed "You think I'm Max II?"

Angel nodded, "You have a mind block, you have a hoodie

on, when you usually have a tank top, and you usually wake on, when you usually have a tank top, and you usually wake

early to wake everyone else up." she listed.

"Fine of you all want me to leave, I'll go,

" I said with

hesitation "but take care of yourselves and I'll leave you with

a little parting gift." I took off my hoodie and turned around

showing my expiration date.

The whole Flocks' mouths opened, except for Iggy who

looked around frantically asking "What the hell is

happening?" Nudge spoke up, "Max, sh-she has an expiration

date." Iggy's eyes widened, "Max I'm so sorry."

"It's too late to apologize, I wish nothing but the best for you

guys, but I'm already gone." and then I jumped out the door. (You know I just mentioned three songs in that, I just

needed to do that, it just fit in so well! )

I snapped out my wings and flew at my top speed, breaking

the sound barrier, I didn't know where I was going until I

saw a quick flash of the empire state building and crashed

into something really big, like a mountain.


She left, just like that.

I instantly regretted what I said when she turned around.

All I want, is her back.

Mainly because, I love her.

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