Chapter 3 - Avoid

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"GOD DAMMIT BLITZKY! WHERE ARE MY FUCKING PILLS?" Dr Pryce screamed as he stormed down the hallway from his office to the lab. "Where is he?" He asked to nobody in particular.

"Dr Pryce, you promised you were going to cut back and actually sleep tonight." Blitzky whined.

"I fucking lied. Now where are they. Roman is on the fucking way with his clone and they'll be here any minute! You know how that boy drives!"

"Are you going to tell him the truth? You could act as though it wasn't your doing and blame it on his father. Dead men tell no tales and all."

"That's a the best horrible idea you've ever had. We can feign ignorance until we somehow discovered this secret projects filed in some secret place. I'm just thinking out loud, but still walk with me." Pryce walked into his private office and pulled up some files, printing them out swiftly, and handing them to Blitzkey. "I need you to hand write these on paper that would have existed 25 or 30 years ago, there's also a sample of Mr. Godfrey's hand writing that I need you to make as close as possible. Go lock yourself away somewhere write these out make copies, when you're done. I will deal with Roman and his clone and they actually will probably be pleased now that it wasn't me, and we didn't know... haha! You're a genius!"

"I imagine Roman will be very pleased when he discovers that he's not related to Letha at all."

"That weighs heavily on him. I have felt great deal of guilt not being able to relieve some of that misery. Now we can. Now give me my pills and move your ass."

Blitzkey sighed and gave the little mint container full of pills to Dr. Pryce, who ate one greedily. "One foot in front of the other BLITZKY!!!" Dr Pryce bellowed as Blitzky rushed out to complete his task.

Dr. Pryce picked up the phone hesitating a beat, before dialing a number, he thought he'd never need to call again.

"Hello! Can you please connect me to Dr. Hank McCoy? Ok well can you tell him to call Dr Pryce at Godfrey industries ASAP. It's detrimental he contacts me. Thank you."

25 years ago

"Right this way Doctors." The cyborg guard instructed.

The guard lead the two men down a long corridor, through a heavy steel door that lead to a wide open room, with a clear glass looking room, suspended in the air from chains connected to a metal bridge, that connected to the small platform where they stood.

Inside there was the unknown being, that looked like a human, that had been discovered under a closed prison, with no history. They'd released him, and everywhere he went he caused chaos, although he himself didn't appear to be involved. It became clear that this being had some type of power or influence on people in his environment. Medical tests showed he wasn't human, although he was compatible with them. But he wasn't a human. His molecular structure was far more dense than anything on earth. He was like a neutron star is, when compared to our sun but in a human form. He remained uncooperative however, no matter what means they tried to use to get him to speak, and give up his origin, and had been deemed a lost cause, until now, when they'd contacted Dr. Pryce to clone him.

With the discovery of mutants, it'd been deemed safe for a mutant to carry a clone of the being. A mutant had been selected and would be unaware she was carrying an alien clone. She would be observed with the child to see how he developed if they survived. It was all unknown:

Unbeknownst to everyone, Pryce planned on planting another clone in his Upir boss. He didn't even plan to inform her, but observe what would happen with her as well: He was sure Olivia would survive the baby, but didn't want to inform anyone about his pet experiment.

"How do we address him? What's his name?" Pryce asked the Cyborg.

"Henry Deaver, But everyone calls him The Kid."

Present Day

"PRYCE!!!" Roman yelled.

Pryce snapped to attention to find a puzzled Axel and a pissed off Roman standing before him.

"You gotta cut down on the drugs." Roman chuckled.

"I was just reflecting from the shocking evidence I came upon. I have to run some tests first to verify these results. I will need samples from both of you. Blood, urine, hair, and saliva. Go to the lab and have them collect them immediately."

"What is this all about Pryce? I don't like guessing games and I'm not a patient man."

"Trust me. You'll know everything within an hour."

Axel got up walking towards the doors.

"Where are you going bro?" Roman asked, jogging up next to him.

"I'm going to the lab and getting this show on the road. More time we waste arguing, longer it takes to get answers, and then longer it takes to go get fucked up and find some ass. Priorities!"

Roman looked back at Pryce with a sour look on his face. "For fucks sake! This better not be one of your circle jerk missions!" He spat, before storming out the doors, to the collection lab down the hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2019 ⏰

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