Chapter 2.2

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“This is mad! ” Louis shouted when he entered the club.

The night was still young, but it was already packed with drunken man and party whores, stealing drinks from men who fell in their trap. The music was blasting, it was so loud that it was almost impossibe to tell what was playing but we could clearly hear a steady beat and see a mass of bodies swaying to it.

The boys got themselves a table and ordered a couple of drinksto get in the night.

“So, you lads come here every week ?” Louis asked, loud enough to be heard over the electro music.

“Yeah, this is our thing, trying to forget a shitty week at work!” Niall said, from his place on Zayn’s lap. The older boy agreed by ruffling the mop of blond hair on the boy’s head and kissing his temple.

“And what do you do ?” Louis asked once again but this time, Harry decided to give the answer.

“Well, we get drunk, we dance, we flirt and when we’re smashed at the end of the night, Liam takes us home.” He said with a cheeky grin.

“Liam ? Why is he the one to care of you ?”

“Because I don’t drink and I believe I’m the only responsible around here.” Liam answered for Zayn, appearing from behind, arm around a very attractive girl who looked a little older than him.

“Dani!” All the boys exclaimed except for Louis who guessed that was the girl’s name because Liam told him once but he didn’t remember and he’s terrible with names.

“Wow, I’m so glad you’re all so excited to see me, I missed you too guys.” Liam said sarcastically, a feigned hurt expression on his mocking face.

“Oh come on Li-Li, we see you everyday at work so we’re always more happy to see your beautiful girlfriend.” Niall said with a smirk, he knew how Liam hated thats nickname.

“Anyway, who’s place are you sleeping at tonight ?” Liam asked, trying to ignore the obnoxious comment of his Irish friend. Louis only gave them a confused look yet again.

“We’re staying at Niall!” Zayn proposed cheerfully. “Yeah! My parents are off to Ireland this weekend! We’ll have to house to ourselves! You’re brillant babe.” Niall added and kissed his boyfriend, until it turned more heated and grabbed him and lead him to the dancefloor.

“Wait, what did this mean ?” Louis was even more confused and the drinks in his system surely didn’t help.

“Every week, we sleep over at someone’s, it’s easier for Liam to drive us home when we’re all drunk this way.” Harry whispered in his ear. “So, ready to party ?” He asked when more vodka shots were suddenly in front of him.

“Hell yeah!”

Louis was in the middle of the dancefloor. That’s the only thing he knew for sure. He tried looking around but everything was blurry. He looked down and noticed his hands were placed firmly on someone’s hips, rocking back and forth to the unknown melody. He looked back up but he didn’t see the face he wanted to see. He was dancing with a girl, a pretty girl, with big brown eyes and wavy brown hair. He looked around and found Liam dancing with Danielle and his eyes caught Zayn and Niall making out in a corner. Louis was sad he couldn’t find him, so he turned around and gave the girl a apologetic smile before stepping out of the dancefloor and into the bathroom.

He pushed the door open and immediately regretted it. There he was, lips locked with some smaller guy that Louis thought was definitely far from attractive. Their tongues were dancing in both their mouth, probably fighting for dominance and Louis can’t help but think that he would let him win anytime if he was to ever get in that position with the younger boy.

Louis felt the bile rise slowly in his throat and before he knew it, he was throwing up on the bathroom tile, breaking the two other boys apart.

“Oh my God Louis, are you alright ?” Harry asked, completely ignoring the stranger that left as soon as Harry turned away.

Louis kept on throwing up, even if he felt his stomach empty and Harry kept on whispering soothing words in his ear and rubbing his back.

“Uhh, I feel like shit.” Louis mumbled but refused to meet the younger boy’s eyes. Harry seemed to have sober up at the sight of Louis and helped him up on his feet.

“C’mon, we’ll find the others and go home.” Harry said with a smile.

“Thanks, Ha- Hazza.” Louis hiccuped and Harry snorted at the strange nickname.

“No problem Louis.” He smiled at him, walking back in the loud area. Suddenly, Louis leaned in and Harry’s breath came short but at the last moment, he turned slightly his head to put it on his shoulders and felt instantly asleep, leaving a dissapointed Harry to drag him home.

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