36 1 5

You can only have 80 characters in your titles. Was that creative enough?

ANyWaY ive been tagged

The picture wont load so heres the jist of it:

☆post the rules

☆say 13 things about yourself cant refuse

☆if you dont do this within a week the person who tagged you may choose a punishment of their choice for you

☆it has to be a chapter. Not a comment

☆tag 15 people

☆write a creative title

Im not interesting so prepare to he bored with these:

noah schnapp is a god

my "step-dad" that i talk about on my message board is actually a female. my parents are gay. they have broken up now, but i still consider her family. Her name is Laura. She gucci.

I kinda think Millie Bobby Brown is  annoying. I like her acting though.

My mom can quote the first minute of the first Twighlight movie

i was put into a special ed class in preschool because i couldn't speak.

I have a male cat named Britney.

I have another cat named Cat In The Hat, but we just call her Cat

Because of how toxic most of my family is, i plan to move to Ohio when I'm older.

Roman is my first romantic partner

When I was eight my mom asked me if i would rather be a boy. I said no.

When i was 7 i tried a "spell" that would make me grow wings. It didnt work.

I have a fear of the dark

Me and Roman once made a list of who our class's godly parents were in 5th grade.

2 McLeaveMeAlone
3 -whatismylife-
4 applesauce_lol
5 QueerHumanBean
6 GayAndAnxious
7 NoIWontGetALife
8 NellieLockness
9 OC_Account
10 terrified_teenager
11 Remus_Sanders
12 Raccoon_Goblin_Emo
13 transpunk
14 WaitImBi
15 lance-pan-pride

Sorry if you didnt wanna be tagged i dont have a lot of friends-

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