Chapter 1

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Here I am, once again, in my room.


And writing in a journal.


A journal. My parents seem to think that it will help me and give me something to do when I’m bored.  Though when I’m bored I prefer to go on the Internet but that doesn’t seem to make them feel any better so I just stick to writing in a stupid journal.

I get my pen out and start on a fresh page. 

So recently I’ve been thinking about what my life is like and how people might see me.  They probably look at me and think ‘hmm nothing too special about her’ and keep on with their day as if I never left a trace in their mind. 

I know I’ve talked about this before, but last night there seemed to be so many dark, and blank spots in the sky that it made me think of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field.  A while ago, some scientists decided to direct the Hubble telescope at a blank spot in the sky and leave it there for ten days.  This might not see like much, but it was really brave because the time you get on the Hubble is really competitive and they were taking a chance on that they might not see anything at all. But what they ended up seeing was incredible and beyond what they ever expected.  They found, once they processed the data, that the blank space up there, that “nothing,” was actually three thousand galaxies – hundreds of billions of stars.  So, here these scientists angled the telescope at nothing and found huge unknown worlds.  They took a risk, and it majorly paid off.  Now think, even when you believe you’re looking at nothing, what you might be seeing are whole galaxies.

Think about that.


Now, I’m just waiting to see who would ever be willing to take a risk in trying to know me.

            Ughh this is stupid no one is ever going to want to understand me.  I’m not important to anyone and probably won’t be no matter how hard I could try.

I slide my journal back under my mattress and go to sleep hoping I can clear my mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2014 ⏰

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