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The second girl - Crest - sticks her hand out,
"Hi I'm Sophie and this is Claire"
She gestures to the blonde nest to her,
"it's really nice to meet you June,"
I don't take her hand and she gets some defeated look in her eye. I don't feel like getting laughed at over my stupid 'Gift' so I'll just keep it to myself.
"Come on I want to finish my lunch" the blonde mumbles and grabs Sophie's hand.
All eyes are still on me and it's making me really uncomfortable, I'm not that interesting, 5'4 barely 100lbs with brown hair and blues eyes I could pass as 12.
Sophie and Claire lead the way to their table, it's filled to the brim with stunning people eating some rice dish, is everyone here a supermodel or something?
I sit down carefully, they didn't give me any clothes when they took me from the hospital wing so I'm literally only wearing a sheet of paper and nothing else.

"Do you know your number?" Sophie asks me

"Umm no they didn't give me a number, nobody mentioned any numbers"

"Oh well maybe it's with the things they moved into our room, you can go through those when we go back lunch is almost finished. Oh and could you eat something please I don't want the guards competing back."

The last bit she said with a little laugh and a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes, was she trying to pretend what she said was a joke? I already know they guards in here and brutes, my knee is still killing me.
I grab an apple from a bowl of fruit in the centre of the table and take a bite out of it.
Another girl from across the table pipes up

"So are you useful or..."

"You can say it you know, I'm worthless it's okay" i reply,
what is being a worthless taboo here or something?

"Oh, I'm sorry"  she has some pitiful look in her eye I don't appreciate, I don't like people feeling bad for me. Ever. Because when people feel bad for you it makes things worse, it makes you think things are worse.

"It's fine"

Chapter 3

Lunch finished about 5 minutes ago, Sophie said we had 20 minutes of free time until we had to go our seperate ways, Sophie and Clair will go to the classrooms and refine they're skills and I get to be poked and prodded. Yay.

"Okay, it's not much but this is the standard room" she points to the bed on the far left that has a pile of clothes and some other Knick knacks on it, "that's your bed, guards come in and check the rooms daily while we're all of doing things so don't collect any contraband, you know knives drugs ect"

My eyes go wide, that's a problem here?! Some of these powerful teenagers are wandering around hopped up in god knows what with knives in their pockets?

"Try to keep it clean the maids will come in once a week but your bed needs to be made daily. I'll leave you to get changed, some of the girls are out in the garden so I'll see you later, someone will come to get you just stay here okay." She gives me a small polite smile and leaves.

2 pairs of pants
3 shirts
2 dresses
4 sets of undergarments
4 pairs of socks
1 hairbrush
1 toothbrush
1 tube of toothpaste
And a letter

Number 1 June, the doctor will come collect you at 13:20. Dresses with no undergarments when visiting the doctor. Violence towards peers is prohibited, solitary confinement is the punishment.
Breakfast is at 06:00 - 07:00 you will need to be present for count at 06:40 if you are not present you will be sent to solitary.
Common studies (mathematics and literature) 07:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12:00 - 13:00
Medical "worthless" /skill refinement "useful" 13:20 - 16:00
Recreation 16:00 - 17:00
Dinner 17:00 - 18:00
Kitchen studies "worthless" / skill refinement "useful" 18:00 - 21:00
Count 21:45
Lights out 22:00 **All gifted must be in bed no exceptions**

My eyes roll on their own accord , this is ridiculous. I quickly change I selected on of the two dresses, this one is a deep green with 3/4 sleeves and lace details, I forgo underwear just as the letter instructed and I put on a pair of white socks with the only pair of shoes they provided, thin white trainers. It seems they're uniform for everyone.
I'm brushing my hair as a guard and a small woman with a white coat step into my room.
"Number 1 June"
I nod
"Come with me" the doctor I'm guessing gestures to the hallway.

Chapter 4

We walk in silence, right past the classrooms all the useful ones are training in and every single one of them stares at me. I don't understand what is so interesting, they literally all stop what they're doing to gawk at me. I spot Sophie and she gives me a little wave before going back to what she was doing, she's got her hands on some guys leg doing god knows what.

The doctor pulls me along by my shoulder.

We reach the medical wing and she pulls me into a room full of medical equipment and a bed with stirrups. Fantastic.

"Hop up there, feet in the stirrups, I'll be back in a few minutes with a nurse"
So I do as I'm told

I'm looking at the clock on the wall, if it's right I've been in here for 15 minutes, the room smells like bleach and it's freezing.

Another 5ish minutes pass and the door opens
The doctor I saw before wheels a cart with 4 syringes in and she's followed by, Sophie.

The doctor obviously recognising my questioning look speaks.
"Sophie here is one of our gifted girls with the healing affinity and she's here to take notes and assist"
Sophie looks like she's about to throw up

The doctor wastes no time, once she's finished her explanation she tells me that today I'll be getting 2 fertility treatments and 2 rounds of artificial insemination, they really waste no time. Oh hello you've been her 10 minutes, have a baby.

"Restraints dear" the stupid doctors says towards Sophie
And I can see in Sophie's eyes she doesn't want to do this but knowing this hell hole she'll probably get sent to solitary if she doesn't listen.

Velcro secures me by my ankles, wrists and midsection. Sophie is barely finished before I'm told it's only going to pinch of a second and I'm getting jabbed. She's pulled up my dress and I can see the syringe she's stabbing into my thigh. Just as soon as she's deposited that one she stabs me with a second, right through my dress into my abdomen.
The doctor lifts up two syringes, they're completely blacked out so I can't see what's inside them but I can see a tiny printed label
#27 T
Sophie notices the label too and her eyes go wide and her jaw goes slack.

I'm too busy watching Sophie to notice the doctor slip in between my legs. Before I can utter a word the first syringe is up there and finished and the second one goes to work.

It's all done the doctor says. I just have to sit here for 15 minutes and then I can go back to my room to lie down. Until recreation.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2019 ⏰

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