2 | I owe you my life

722 26 1


f/n = first name

l/n = last name


"Tell me again why you kept that pathetic hunk of metal alive?" Attinger asked, his piercing blue eyes staring you down as you sat in your seat across the table from him. He was not a person to be trifled with and he was known for having a short fuse, which you quickly learned that keeping him happy was the only way to avoid it.

You cleared your throat and looked him in the eyes, nervously rubbing your hands on your pant legs as you sat there. "Sir, I only suggested an idea that I believed would benefit us more than just disposing of him. Lockdown agreed and told me to inform you." You replied confidently.

The silver haired man sat in silence for a moment, rubbing his beard with one hand before speaking. "So... you think that keeping him alive will help us draw Prime out of hiding?"

"Yes, sir."

"And you think we can get more information out of him?"

"I believe so."

Attinger processed this silently, shifting his gaze to a wall for a second. He moved his hand down to the table and lightly tapped on it with his fingers, letting out a heavy sigh. "Alright, l/n, I'm trusting you with this operation. Don't fail me or else you'll lose more than just your job." He grumbled, pushing himself up from his chair and giving you a look. "I mean it. It's not often that I trust lower class hunters with a task such as this."

You nodded, a slight twinge of excitement jabbing at you as you stood up and reached over to shake his hand. "Thank you, sir." You simply replied, giving him another curt nod before briskly walking out of the room. That went smoother than expected, but now you needed to figure out the rest of the plan. You needed to pretend that you were getting information out of him, when you were really helping him.

Brushing a few stray hairs out of your face, you quickly headed downstairs to the lab and workshop, where you heard that Ratchet was being kept. Now, since this wasn't exactly a top-notch security base, there were hardly any security cameras down there. That made your job a little bit easier. You showed your ID to the officer standing at the gate and made your way through the workshop, soon spotting the area where Ratchet was being kept.

Workers were busy reattaching his leg while he lay immobile on a large platform, looking to be unconscious from where you were standing. It wasn't long before they finished and a set of heavy duty restraints clicked around Ratchet's wrists and ankles, locking him place. They also had locked his T-cog so he couldn't change form and disabled his comn link so he couldn't contact any of the other Autobots at the moment. They would enable it later when the plan would be set into motion. The large platform slowly retracted, bringing the medic into an enclosed area guarded by armed guards.

You showed your ID again to the guards, who let you into the room with Ratchet. The doors locked behind you and you let out a soft sigh of relief, knowing no one would be able to hear you now. You gazed up at the hulking form of Ratchet, which was still dented and scuffed up from the earlier ambush. Speaking of which, it was almost 1 a.m., meaning your shift was almost over and you would need to return to the barracks.

You were startled out of your thoughts when you heard a slight hissing noise, immediately returning your attention to Ratchet. You saw his blue eyes slowly flicker on and heard the low hum of his internal workings coming online as well, gulping nervously as you slowly went over to a set of stairs and climbed them up to a platform so you were level with his head. While he ran diagnostics on himself, you watched silently while gripping the cool metal bar with your fingers tightly.

After a few moments, he seemed to have become more aware of his surroundings. His gaze flicked around the strange room he was in, his processor analyzing every square inch of it. He paused when his gaze landed on you, his optics brightening ever so slightly so he could see you better. He blinked a couple times, staying eerily silent before deciding to speak. "Human, do you know where I am?" He asked, his voice full of static from his damaged voicebox. His memory files made him remember that you were one of the soldiers that attacked him and he shuddered at the thought, wriggling in his restraints for a second.

You gulped down your fear, knowing that what you said wasn't being recorded or eavesdropped. Your grip on the metal bars loosened up as you relaxed, your steely gaze trained on the Autobot before you. "You are in one of Cemetery Wind's bases. They are the group that attacked you tonight." You answered, stiffening slightly when Ratchet gave you a frightened look. "Now, I don't have much time to explain but there's something you need to know. I saved you because that's my job. Do you remember N.E.S.T?"

Ratchet hesitated before slowly nodding, a few puffs of steam coming from the vents in his neck. "I do, but I recall them getting decommissioned after the battle of Chicago." He replied shakily, relaxing somewhat once you didn't register as a threat.

"Okay, good. It is true that its members got decommissioned, but some of us still work in secret. My name is f/n l/n and I am working undercover to try and save Autobots like you from getting hunted down. This organization, Cemetery Wind, hunts down Autobots with Lockdown and kills them. Then, they ship their parts to a place called KSI so that more of your kind can be built. I know this is a lot of information in a short amount of time, but I can explain more tomorrow."

Several emotions were visible on Ratchet's face: fear, anger, sadness, and guilt. He was silent for a good minute, trying to understand what you said. It pained him to even think that his kind was being hunted down and rebuilt as some sort of experiment. It was at that time that he decided to trust you. But that trust was fragile, especially after what happened tonight. "Alright. If what you say is true, then what will become of me?"

"Nothing bad, hopefully. I'm working on getting you out of here, don't worry." You replied hurriedly, hearing the warning bell sound and knowing you had to go. "We'll talk more tomorrow."

And with that, you quickly rushed out of the room and headed back to the barracks. Time for a good sleep and lots of thinking...

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