Chapter 1

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I opened the back door and the whole rest of my life changed. I look both ways like crossing the road. And aim to what I'm supposed to do. A shivering feeling goes up my spine. And as fast as I can I do what I was told. I move the gate on my deck as fast as I could. And with in a split second I turned my head to go inside. But, no someone grabbed me viciously, holding their grip as tight as they could around my stomach. My mouth was not covered; but so in shocked I just couldn't scream. My whole body tightened and I knew their was no way, no chance in the world that I could get out of his arms. It was pitch black outside, the only lights available was the blurry lighting in some of the windows in the neighborhood. So, I couldn't see his face or anything to identify him. As he carried me harshly to his van and slammed me down in the back of the vehicle. The most brutal words I ever heard said to me slipped right out as mouth ever so easily, "Shut your big mouth, don't say a word or I will use this wonderful shiny silver knife and stab you till you suffer in pain and die."

I bit my lip and made eye contact to clarify that I understood his words. He shut his trunk ever so lightly so no one could hear what was happening. As he pressed the gas pedal, I was trying to get comfortable and say my last prayers a hundred times.

In the back trunk, I looked around to see if there was anything to get me out. A shovel, glitter duct tape, & an apple was all I saw.  We all the sudden came to a stop, I thought he was going to kill me now. But, no it was a false alert in my head and all it was, was a stop light. The guy turned his head back as well as he could to face me, then he firmly said to me, "I'm going to play some music for the rest of our long ride."

I was going to replied back, but a flashback of what happened earlier sat in my head telling me not to say a word. The guy then clicked a button and the radio was on playing my favorite song, "Don't tell em" By Jeremih ft YG. I suddenly felt more comfortable and tended to forget that I was in the back of a van, in an abduction crime. Flashbacks started coming back to my head of what I was doing before all of this happened. Soon, the moment came back to life in my head. In my bed,  chilling, watching TV, and texting. My mom yelled, "Is the gate on the deck locked? It's supposed to be very windy and I don't want it to be making a bunch of noise tonight." 

I replied, " I don't know. I think I did lock it."

She yelled back,"Go check it!"

I then texted my friend that I was totally going to die, because it was night and I was going outside. While walking downstairs, she replied she was confused like always. I replied back trying to make it sound more clear. I turned on the kitchen lights and walked to the back door and I had that bad feeling, the one that makes you get butterflies and all the sudden get cold. But, I continued and I turned on the light outside. Of course,  it could attract attention to probably anyone that eyed my house. I then unlocked my door and opened it slowly which made it creek so loud, it was ridiculous.  I then looked both ways like crossing the street....

In shock, I went out of my daydream. And so freaked out I was shaking. My favorite song was over anyways and some crazy Taylor Swift song played called, "Shake it off".

Closing my ears,  I stared forward to nothing but an apple. The moment was going so slow, I wondered what waa happening in my house. I didn't noticed till last minute that I was not tied and that my arms, hands, & every part of me was free to move. Which is stupid because if I wasn't that lost I could've tried to get out by now. He wasn't looking at me and there was a curtain between us so he couldn't see what I was doing unless he moved it.

I crawled slowly to the back of the van and to my surprise the doors were unlocked. This might be a trap, I thought.  But, at the moment I didn't want to be in this van. I opened the door to look to see if I knew where we were and if I could get home from this point. It wasn't too late we were by the Olive Garden and Toys R Us. So, I jumped out. I scratched my knees and almost got ran over by a car. But, I walked over and sat in the Toys R Us parking lot. But, not the same van popped up, it was a Mercedes-Benz in the color of black. The car parked right in front of me and the person opened the car door about to get out. I got up to a standing position and started to run. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2014 ⏰

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