Magical Event

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Sitting in Starbucks, you waited for your friend to pay for the drinks. Placing your leg over the over, you started singing Hurricane by Panic! At the Disco.

Glancing over to your friend fumbling with the stuff inside her bag, you snickered. Then, that was when your eyes landed on a guy. He looked like America from Hetalia!

He was playing with his hair as he listened to... A guy that looked like Englan?! Woah. You must be dreaming. But, worry not, dear reader! This is most certainly not a dream!

His blue eyes then glanced over at you. You looked away as soon as your friend came, and sat in front of you. She smiled happily.

"I see you found something... More specifically, if I must say, a someone," She whispered.


She laughed. Lucky for you, her name was called to grab your orders. You glanced back at him, and found him to be staring at you, nodding at what Arthur Kirkland seemed to be saying.

Your eyes darted away from his, and found yourself to be glancing back at him. He continued to play with his hair, glancing at you once in a while, and sometimes even staring at you.

"Heeeeyyyyyyyy! I'm back!" Your friend sang, holding a tray full of food and your drinks.

Grabbing yours, you took a straw, breaking the plastic. Pushing it through the hole (that's what she said~), you sipped at the cream (I leave the cream for last, and sip it up when the drink is gone).

Glancing back at him, you saw them stand up. Saddened that he had to leave, you stared at your drink. They passed by you. Blushing slightly, you felt a tissue fall perfectly on your lap.

Looking around, you grabbed it, and saw that he wrote his name, and his number! What?! Holy shit! Best. Day. Ever.

"Got something there, friend~?"


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2014 ⏰

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