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1) Take positive from everywhere and imply, including negative things.

2) Be hungry for the conscious. Be hungry for love. Give flower to God and not money.

3) Me, Myself and I is Materialistic.

4) Materialistic things should give comfort to people, Don't keep it in jail.

5) Work from your heart. What's inside should be outside as well.

6) Whose, MIND is strong, the BODY will get strong, MONEY will follow with it as well.

7) We ask only for all material things from God.

8) Keeping an enemy is the worst thing, because you are always reminded. Solution: say sorry and give gifts.

9) When 2 people are fighting - you be quiet, your peace thoughts will transfer.

10) Doubting, cribbing over anything is not worth your time.

11) What is Spirituality ? Love and Peace

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