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They were all so happy but happyness can't always last and in this case it didn't.
"Can we all apresheat the fact that we stuck to our plan and bit wasn't hard. Take notes." Steve says the whole group is back together in the middle of the street talking.
"Guys!" Cosette says getting every ones attenchen and they all fall silent. "Me, Jack, and Avery are leaving."
"What!" they all yell utterly shocked.
"Well you see there's another one of us and we have to find him." she continues.
They all say there sad goodbyes.
They all sayd there goodbyes except for Mike and Will.
"I'm going to miss arguing with you." Avrey tells Mike.
"Ya come back so we can have more stupid arguments." Mike says he waves and walks away sad.
"I'll give you a minute." Avery says to the two love birds Will and Cossette. She goes into a car and sits in the driver seat with Jack in shot gun.
Now this was there moment.
"So this is good bye?" Will asks. They are both shy.
"It doesn't have to be we could radio and call and well come back." she says.
"Ya but it won't be the same without you. You guys we're a perfect addition to our group. and we could......" will rambles but gets cut off by Cosette kissing him. It wasn't beautiful but it was special.
"Bye." Cosette says leaving him in the road. The jumps in the car.
"We're going to have to have a talk." Steve says.
Avrey starts the car and they start driving off they scream into the air. All of the others join it means tell next time.
Who knows where there adventures will take them.
"Wait did they steal that car! And she's to young to drive!" Steve says "o my my kids are crazy."

Hey guys that's the end there's supposed to be a second one but we'll see when I can start that.
Thank you so much for reading.
Comment who you think there other person should be. (The boy they left to find) he could be anyone.

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