she loves me, she loves me not

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you said you did,

do you love me?

maybe love's

too strong a word

but i know that 

you at least like me

because you said 

that you did and

you said more too

you said so much

more and you kept

talking and talking

and spilling your

heart to me and it

was pure and raw

like honey from

overworked bees,

exhausted from 

trying to decipher

the complex interworkings

of a mind confused,

it was raw and sharp like

an old dull knife that

i didn't know was 

stuck in my heart and 

your words twisted and

twisted and the dull

ache spread through me

and i knew that i

needed to forget you 

and i needed to run

from you but you'd 

already caught me 

and now i was trapped 

because you'd caught 

me trying to catch you

and now our fates

were intertwined but

you wouldn't say what

it is that you wanted, 

what it is that you

needed from me,

you tried, i know you

tried, and it's hard 

and it's scary but 

i'm a person too.

it's hard and scary

for me too. 

please say you

love me or please 

say you don't. 

just tell me.

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