The Girl With The Gun - Chapter Six

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The Girl With The Gun - Chapter Six

"Before it gets any better, we're headed for a cliff, and in the freefall, I will realize I'm better off when I hit the bottom~!" I finished, letting the people playing the music finish their part.

Did I mention my manager was called Josh? No? Well, he is. Anyway, he motioned for me to come over and I did so after taking the headphones off and smoothing down my hair.

What?! I was still a girl, you know - I cared about my hair. I wasn't exactly normal but I was still slightly normal in the 'habits' section of life.

I plopped myself down beside Josh on the red leather sofa after stretching my arms. "So? How'd I do?" I asked, a tilt of my head at the end of my question. I was quite a good actress, if you ask me.

He grinned. "You were amazing! I'm proud to be your manager!" He exclaimed, patting my shoulder.

I inwardly flinched at the contact but masked my discomfort with a small fake smile. "Thank you, but I'm not that good." I answered with a shake of my head.

"Nonsense! There's a reason you're called Princess! The Princess of Hollywood, no?"  He raised an eyebrow with a grin which was answered with a shrug from me.

"That's for Hollywood to decide." I muttered, leaning my head back on the sofa. If they wanted a person who kills people as a princess.

He sighed. "You say that as if being called Princess is a bad thing." He shook his head at me.

"Maybe it is." I shrugged and yawned slightly.

"You need to be more optimistic!" He adviced with a grin stretched across his face.

I rolled my eyes. "Sorry, but me's me. I'm too lazy to be enthusiastic at every little thing." See? I was great at acting.

"That's what I'm talking about! You need to not be lazy!" He exclaimed, throwing his arms into the air in an exaggerated gesture.

'Oh, if only he knew.' I thought with a sigh.

After another hour of editing and recording I finally was allowed to go, which I was relieved about. Being cooped up in a small sound proof recording room didn't go down well with me. I was a little claustraphobic, I guess.

When I was out in the hallway, I could already see the paparazzi dotted around out the second floor window.

I let out an annoyed grunt, geez, they were never going to quit were they? Well, they were being paid to stalk famous people... Who even invented that type of job? I would hunt down and kill them, if they weren't dead already...

I huffed and made my way down the staircase, since the elevator had people in it, and, well, it was playing terrible classical music that sounded like it was a three year old banging pots and pans with a wooden spoon. Yep, not a nice sound.

As I stepped onto the first step, I saw a piece of paper pushed just under the hand rail, I wouldn't have seen it if my hand hadn't just brushed it. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, so being the curious person I was, I slid out the letter and decided to read it.




I mentally face palmed at the brief message, I was sure annoyance was visible on my face. Geez, desperate much?

I sighed and shoved the note in my bag, not wanting to leave it lying around where someone could read it. I know they'd probably not understand the meanings, but you know, the twenty first century had a lot of technology like finger print scanners and such.

I continued my journey down the staircase, looking like nothing had ever happened yet inside I wanted to kill a certain someone called Aaron.

I wasn't exactly good at making decisions or choosing and this would probably be the hardest decision I had to ever make.

Oh well, I'll think about it later - my brain needed a break. I know! I'll go and book the ticket to England! That way the job would keep my mind of stressful things.

I grinned to myself and fast- walked down the stairs, better get home quickly so the places for the flight don't get all booked up.

Let's hope there aren't any fans in England...

I inwardly shuddered at the thought of crowds of people in the airport. I should probably book a flight for midnight! Less people. Makes sense, doesn't it?

I nodded at my decision and texted Mark to tell him to pick me up from the back of the building. I wanted him to be quick, I needed to get home and do whatever then sleep! I haven't been getting much sleep lately, meaning my senses haven't been as sharp as they were and that means more chance of getting caught doing a job. Ugh, and the worst thing was assassins could never ever quit their job, Aaron said they might reveal information if they were allowed to leave. So you either were killed or had to stay with this job. Not much of a decision, is there?

After you had the job as an assassin, there was no turning back, that's for sure. My reason for choosing this job?
Well, let's say it like this: there was once a little girl, her parents were murdered by her uncle. Her uncle then ran away, forever. Yet the little girl is still searching for him and when she finds him? She'll kill him. Such a simple plan, yet it takes such a hassle.

I had other reasons for choosing this job, of course I did, but that was the main reason. My uncle will die. He will not stay alive after killing my parents. I won't let him live. He will be murdered by his only niece, I will make sure of that.

My phone beeping from receiving a text snapped me out from my murderous thoughts. Thank whoever texted me for that - I didn't need go on a killing spree right now.

I checked the text with a sigh. It was Mark telling me he was outside. That was very quick...

I literally ran to the back exit, fresh air was what I needed.

As soon as I was outside, confusion crossed my face. I saw no car, just about a mile of empty concrete.

What happened next was unexpected, really unexpected. I was grabbed by a rough hand and slammed into the brick wall. I winced but looked up to meet cold blue eyes. Unlike mine, slightly darker. They weren't familiar, at least.

Oh dear.

°° °° °°
A/N: Yeah, I have nothing to say... I won't update as often. A very close friend of mine committed suicide, without any warning, she wasn't even depressed or anything. It's unfair, all the wrong people die. Sorry for being depressing. Please don't take anything I say personally.

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