Beautiful Nightmare

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I opened my eyes to see Pete scrambling under the bed. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"The sun... I'm a vampire, remember?"

"Oh... yeah." I slipped under the bed next to him and cuddled up to him. "I still need cuddles." I said.

He laughed and wrapped his arms around me.

"Patrick?" My mom called, walking into my room.

I rolled out from under the bed on the side that was opposite the door, to make it look like I had fallen off the bed. To add to that, I added a groan, "Mom?" I asked, sitting up. I stood up on my knees.

"What are you doing on the floor?" She asked.

"I-..." My sentence was cut short.

Pete was grabbing my thigh.

I pushed my leg forward so his had got squished between the bed and my leg.

He hissed.

"What was that?" My mom asked.

"Me... Sorry. My knees hurt." I glanced down and instantly felt bad. What I thought was Pete trying to make me hard, was Pete trying to hand me something.

"Why are you on the floor?" She asked.

"I was... looking for my charger?" That came out more like a question.

"You were?" She asked.

"I thought I had just fallen off the bed." I said. "I must have been rummaging through my stuff in my sleep." I said.

"Uh-huh..." she looked weirded out. "Breakfast is being started. We'll call you when it's ready." She pulled my door shut and walked away.

I crawled back under my bed, laughing quietly. "I'm so sorry!"

"What was that for!?" He hissed, rubbing his hand.

"I thought you were trying to... get me hard." I felt my cheeks grow warm.

"Well the thought of accusation was working even I wasn't trying to." He pointed to my pants where a little tent was forming.

I smacked his chest.

"Stop hitting me and kiss me." He kissed me.

I kissed him back.

"I can help you with that problem so you don't have to deal with it with breakfast." He purred, pulling away.

"I'd like that..." I said.


After an awkwardly positioned, under the bed blow job, I was showered and ready for breakfast.

I walked down the stairs and greeted my family.

"Wow, Patrick... You seem awfully cheery today." My dad said.

"Especially since it's eight in the morning." My mom said.

I laughed, "Well sorry for being happy in the morning."

"You don't like mornings." My dad said.

"Honey, are you feeling alright?" My mom asked.

"Never better." I smiled and sat down, pulling the plate of food near me.

"But this is really unlike you, Son. You haven't been genuinely happy since... Pete... died." My dad said carefully.

I tried to stay calm, and brush it off by saying, "Hey, everyone lives and dies." Or "Every beginning has an end." Or something cheery... but I couldn't. The thought that I had lost Pete for three, almost four years, broke me. I felt the tears well in my eyes.

"Oh my gosh, Patrick! I... I didn't mean-..."

"Its okay, dad. Really." I stood and pushed my plate away. "I'm uh... not hungry anymore." I said. I turned and headed for the stairs.

"I told you never to bring that up!" My mom snapped at my dad.

I walked into my room and laid on my bed on my stomach. "Pete?" I asked, hoping he was still under my bed. I was crying.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Did you hear everything that went on?"


"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I'm the one that should be sorry." He said.

I reached my hand down to the side of the bed and reached under the bed.

Pete took my hand with his own.

"I love you." I sniffled.

"I love you too,"

"Patrick, honey?" My mom knocked on the door.

I slipped my hand away from Pete and pulled it under the pillow.

My mom opened the door and walked in after I didn't respond. "I'm sorry about what your dad brought up."

"I said Its fine, mom!" I snapped.

"Don't talk to me like that, Patrick. I'm still your mother. I just came in here to apologize."

I sighed, "Sorry." I said.

She kissed my head. "Think about it this way... you're not the only one still mourning his loss."

"Mom-..." I started before she interrupted me.

"No, Patrick. I'm right."

"I'm fine, mom. You really don't have to tell me."

"His mom's still getting over his death... and so are his siblings... even his dad and friends."

"I get it, Mom!" I said quickly, but not quickly enough.

Pete let out cry.

"What was that?" My mom asked.

"Me!" I said. "Stop talking about him like he's not here. He's here. In spirit! And he's listening. All you're doing is making him miss his family!" I said.

My mom stood, "I'm... I'm sorry." She said.

"Mom, can... can you please get out? Of my room. I just really want to be alone."

She nodded and turned and left, closing the door behind her.

I jumped up and walked over to the door, locking it before walking back over to the bed where I slipped under it and hugged a crying Pete.

"They're not over me?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"They really do love me."

I nodded and kissed his cheek. "Just like me." I whispered.

He looked at me and smiled.

I smiled back.

He looked past me to the window and stared lonely at it.

"What are you thinking?" I asked.

"How much I just want to jump through the window into the sunlight.

"Don't." I said.

He sighed and stared at me.

"I've got troubled thoughts, Trick." We both said at the same time.

He smiled and started to cry more. "You remembered." He said.

I nodded and wiped some of the tears away. "I always have. That one line has stuck to me like glue."

"Really?" He asked.

I nodded. "I thought you committed suicide."

"No..." He said.

"I'll keep my promise and find a way for you to keep everything under control."

He smiled. "Thanks, Trick."

"You're welcome."

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