Rosey Williams, sitting up top of the bleachers. Her trey in her lap, bella sitting next to her, "aye rose. Would ya mind giving me your peaches?. Thanks love!"

Rosey shivered, picking up the peaches and handing them to the English girl

"So have ya heard?" Bella asked, Rosey pulled an brown eyebrow "what?" Rosey softly asked. "Ya remember that gurl in ya class. Kate?" Rosey nodded slowly "on the news. She went missing in that forest of yours sweet" Rosey perked her head

Putting a hand over her mouth, "what?" She shook her head, sighing, "thank you for telling me bella" bella nodded "ya welcome sweet" Rosey got up from the chilling iron seat, "throw my trey away I have to get going bella" bella jumped off, "ight love!"

Rosey walked down the same route, to her home. She had to tell her mother the news.

She rushed down the side walk, the cold air blowing through her hair and all over

She shivered and knocked on the door

The maid answered, grace, she was only twenty one which Rosey thought that was kinda odd, not to mention, grace was very werid. Grace smiled "what brings you home so early Rosey?" Rosey sighed, rushing upstairs

"Mother! Oh mother!" She opened the door, her mother sitting on her bed. The tubes in her nose, arms and legs, loud beeps from the machine. Rosey frowned, her mother looked up "I heard" her mother pointed to the tv, as the colored screen showed a picture of Kate. She covers her mouth "we...I mean you honey, need to find her in that hell of a forest"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "but mom should be call the cops-" grace walks in, with a gentle smile on her lips. She tightly grabbed roseys shoulder "that won't be necessary mrs.Williams" she shook her head "what do you think mother?" her mother stared cautiously at grace, grace still smiling "yes! Grace is my right hand hmm?"

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