Chapter 1 -- new beginnings

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Styles Saved Me

Chapter 1 (REWRITTEN!)

Harry’s POV

screams, a noise most people would fear or have anxiety over, but screams wake me up and calm me down all at the same time because these aren’t screams of terror or pain, its excitement. these screaming people are all here to meet me and this will always amaze me. I’m the same as everyone else my name has always been just a name to me but to the fans my name, our names, sparks a happiness you can't explain by anything other than love. Harry Styles. Love. Love Always.

(did you see what I did there ;) )

I was quickly brought back to reality when louis pinched my arm as the fans came shuffling into the huge space and filling it in mere seconds. the fans came down the line and we all signed whatever they gave us to sign and greeted them. maybe she would be here, the girl I haven't stopped dreaming of for four months now. her brown hair that faded to blonde at the tips, her tan skin, beautiful brown eyes, her perfectly kissable lips, her smil- “hi harry!”

“oh hello, love. what can I sign for you?” I forced myself to clear my mind and concentrate on the fans

after another hour of signing a glimpse of hair pulls me away again and at first I could swear its her, then later part of a smile hidden behind the tons of people and I’m so tempted to dart my head around to try and see her but that would make the fans curious so I don’t.

“look at this!” louis exclaimed showing me the art one of the fans made it really was beautiful and then when I turned back to look at the next person in line everything stopped and for once it wasn’t just a dream, she was actually here right in front of me.

“uh oh um” I said dumbfounded “ what's your name, love?” I asked

“my name’s Alyssa” she smiled

“my names harry” I told her shocked that she was here

“I know” she giggled

“you know who I am?” I asked happily, maybe she had the dreams too

“well yeah of course, you’re harry styles… from one direction” she said a bit of confusion in her voice

“oh. oh yah” what an idiot of course she knows who I am

“did you forget who you are for a minute there” she laughed

“no I just-” how could I explain i’ve been dreaming of her for months without being creepy

“its okay, could you sign my CD?” she asked me while handing it to me

“yah of course” I replied and paused thinking of how to make her stay longer so I signed ‘Alyssa, make some new memories’ and added my phone number, it was a huge risk but I had to take it

“ did you…” she said shocked

“shh dont tell anyone” I told her with a cheeky grin

“oh yah I won't” she smiled

after another two hours of signing things over and over again I was finally able to check my phone and saw that she texted me ‘hey its alyssa I really hope this is you, anyway I’m waiting outside till you boys are all done just in case you’ll be coming out to meet some of us again :)’

“there’s a uh friend outside can we stay a little longer so I can say hello” I said to the boys, knowing the answer would be yes


(I thought maybe you’d like a little extra view at when niall first meets the girls so here it is)

Niall’s POV

“hi there!” I smiled as two girls came up to get some cds signed

“hi! my name’s alyssa and this is kim” the first one told me

“its nice to meet you both” I smiled back at them

“ITS NICE TO MEET YOU TOO” kim yelled nervously

“shes a bit nervous, sorry” alyssa apologized while giving kim a small side hug

“its okay, its a bit loud in here too isn't it” I replied as alyssa handed me her cd to sign

“you okay?” alyssa whispered to her

“I screwed up oh my gosh what the fuck is wrong with me?” she whispered back

“look we’re still here you can make up for it, say something” alyssa whispered calmingly as I finished signing her cd

“im sorry about that, i'm a bit nervous. my name is kim and I hope we can forget that just happened” she giggled while blushing and handed me her cd

“dont worry about it it happens all the time” I smiled before hand the cd back to her before  they walked over to liam to get their cds signed by him.

I turned to the next fan and smiled



WHOA were you expecting niall to be all love-at-first-sight? I hope so cause I wanted this to be different and better. but I bet you weren't expecting my to rewrite both the books! heck I honestly didn't even expect it either but the other day I was thinking about how its been a year since the concert and two years since I posted the first chapter and I went on wattpad and read all of your messages and comments and they cheered me up and I realized how much I really really really missed writing and going on this journey with you all and at first I thought I would just do a third book (as suggested by @_love_larry_ ) but I said to myself “no, I can’t cause I honestly think the first book was complete shit in the beginning and I need to fix that before I even think of doing a third book” so im gunna go back through and rewrite every. single. chapter. of. both. books. until I can proudly say they are the best they can be! I am very determined! so please if you think I should fix something let me know I promise I will mostly likely agree and do it. I hope you’re all really happy and excited to do this all again with me!

Love Always

-Alyssa (@1Dfan4848)

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