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28 weeks

"Lenny, I fucking hate Valentine's Day."

"Oh, shove off. You have someone who loves you like crazy to celebrate with, I don't wanna hear it."

I groan flopping onto my couch. I hadn't seen Calum in two days. The boys had released their new song with The Chainsmokers and had been busy shooting the video for it. I missed him terribly and so for the first time I was almost looking forward to the 14th of February, which was tomorrow. I still hated the holiday but Lena did have a point, it seemed a little less stupid with someone to share it with.

"Did Calum tell you what he's planning?" She asks me and I turn to face her.

"No. Why? Do you know the plan?"

"I know very basic details and how I'm supposed to dress you. That's all."

"Spill!" I exclaim.

"Nope. My lips are sealed." She says pretending to zip her lips.

I roll my eyes and scoff, folding my arms across my chest and huffing like a child. I have a love hate relationship with surprises. I like them once I know what they are. Beforehand? Not so much.

"Do you have anything planned for him?"

"I'm so bad at gifts. I wish I wasn't so fat and gross right now I'd just buy lingerie and let him have his way with me."

"You're pregnant not fat, and I feel like he'd be perfectly okay with that idea." She says laughing.

"That's really all I did for his birthday though. He hates Valentine's Day too so I'm surprised we're even doing gifts. I guess I'll just be basic and get him chocolates."

"Well we're getting you sexy time clothes too. Tell Calum he owes me."

I roll my eyes before getting up from the couch, an act that seems to get harder by the day. Lena helps me up and I make my way to my room to get dressed for shopping.

"Coming!" I call out after hearing a knock at the door. I shake my hands out trying to calm my nerves as I move to answer it.

"Hi." Cal smiles and my insides melt. He looks so good. He's in a black button down and black skinny jeans and boots. He's so effortlessly attractive it's not fair.

He bites his lip as he takes in my outfit, the burgundy dress we'd bought when we got maternity clothes that I'd promised to wear for him. I must admit, even being 20 pounds heavier than usual, with the way Calum is looking at me I feel incredibly desirable.

"Fuck, Jes. You look incredible."

"You clean up well yourself, Hood." I smirk before moving in to kiss him.

"I missed you." He says as he holds me against him resting his chin on the top of my head.

"I missed you too, baby."

"You ready?"

"Yes! Are you finally gonna tell me where we're going?"

"Nope" He says smiling at the ground, clearly proud of himself. "You'll just have to wait and see."

He helps me to the car and pulls away from my house. Charlie Puth plays quietly through the speakers as Calum slips his hand into mine. I try to discern where we're going from the roads we take but I'm clueless. Finally he pulls off and I realize we're at the beach.

"I thought a crowded restaurant might be a little much for you and I know you wouldn't want me to rent out an entire place, so I got a little creative."

Unexpected | Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now