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Do you have a question that you've always wanted people to ask you?

Feel free to:
▪︎ answer questions in comments
▪︎ answer questions in messages with me if you are shy/ don't want to answer in public but want to share with someone
▪︎ give me ideas about more question topics or request to post your own question in the book!
▪︎ give me feedback about the book and anything around it

You don't have to answer a question or any of them if you don't feel like it! But if you feel like you want to share your answer or you just want to say it out loud, the comments and messages are always here. :)

I'll be posting this text every 20th chapter to remind you about the "rules".

>>I hope I'm not copying anyone's idea on Wattpad since I haven't been active here for a long time and I have also been preparing this book for some months.<<


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