Chapter 6

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She had to hind her pain for years while her husband pretended for the world.

His business partners, friends and family and my mother had to just deal with it. While I had to watch

But I would build an empire of my own that my mother won't have to be subjected to be married to

An undeserving man. She was beautiful, dedicated and intelligent but my father was to blind to

See her for all she was. He was selfish and that was something that would never change. I graduated

High school with honors making my father proud to show me off. I was on my way to become

The top broker and rank more money than my father ever seen in his years of working. I will be the better vision of him. I will love my women with all of me as long as I get that in return. I will be the ultimate provider, I will interact with my kids and be a better father then he ever was. Watch, he'll see. 

Noelle has changed my life. She was a natural beauty to look at, she could cook, well mannered

And well dressed. I loved showing her off. When we first met in college, I was so intrigued by her

Beauty and the way she carried herself. I knew she would be mine cause of how our minds connected

As I have been with plenty of girls but none like Noelle. I guess that's why she became the first person I

Brought home to my parents. To face up to my stick up the ass father and she managed to pass the test.

I thought very highly of Noelle but my father was not an easy one to please. She would always uplift

My spirits when I was down due to my father's high expectation of me. When we finally graduated

From college. I was thrilled as I got the job through an internship, I did in college at a the

Brokerage Investment Firm in Mississauga.

I was going to work my way to the life I deserved and wanted to give my family. Noelle got a job at

Neil Amond Law office downtown Toronto.

"So how was your first day love?"

"It was intense. Learned a lot though."

"How was your baby" I asked Noelle as I began to rub her feet. She moaned

"Better. Now that I'm with you" Her lips touched mine as my hand pulled her in for more.

"I love you" I said out of nowhere. She looked at me and continued to make love to my lips and

I knew she felt the same. She had her head on straight, not like some of today ladies. Thinking only

For what a man can give them. She was real and as real as it gets. I knew I wanted Noelle in my life for a

life time. she would make a great mother and will make a good wife.

The next day I went to meet up with my boy David.

"Hey my man. What's up?"

"Nothing Dave. I just have been thinking about doing something big. I'm going to ask Noelle to marry


"That's a big move John. Are you really ready for all that married life has to offer?"

"I know I don't want anyone else but her. She's one, Dave"

"Well if you feel that way, then congratulations!"

David and I daps each other and sealed it with a brotherly hug.

"You're going be my best man then?"

"You know it. I would ask you but my players ways won't let me" David and I laughed.

We headed into the jewelry store to pick out my future wedding ring.

"Well hello their young men. How can I assist you today?"

"I am looking for an engagement ring."

"Wow so young but assertive, I like. What is the name of the lucky young lady"?

"Noelle Carrington but will soon be changed to Hoffland."

"How do you know she will say yes"

"Because I feel it"

"Good answer. What's your budget?"

"fifty-five hundred."

"sounds good. I can most differently work with that."

"You've been holding out on me brother" Dave mentioned as he was surprised by the amount.

"I have been saving for a special purchase for a long time. Noelle deserves the best"

"How about this one."

"No boss, I already see the one I want."

I picked out a beautiful diamond cute white gold ring. It had half diamonds all the around the band

complementing the beautiful square diamond in the center.

"I'll take this one"

"Ah nice choice and great price. I'll wrap this up for you."

"Yes please"

I just made the biggest purchase in my life. Not regarding the amount but all that comes with

The ring.

That night I had a dinner planned for Noelle and I at Dale's restaurant. She loved it there.

I had the restaurant something special after closing. My friend Carl hooked it up for me.

I wanted this night to be special. When the restaurant closed, I went to set up. Carl was our

Personal cook for that night, making the restaurants best for my lady and I. After I decked the

restaurant in scented candles and rose peddles while Carl prepared the food, I went home to get


"Hey baby. I need you to get ready. I'm starving"

"what time cause I'm just leaving work."

"Like half an hour"

"Come on lovey. You can't possibly think women can get ready in half an hour"

"a hour Noelle"

"I'll see what can be done" She laughed and told me she loved me before hanging up the phone.


The other car smashed so hard into my car. My head hit the stringing wheel all I could feel was the blood

Dripping into my eye. I could hear voices and see faded faces.

"What's your name?" Sir I need you to tell me your name?"

All I could think about was Noelle. I could feel my phone vibrating in my pants. I know it was my baby.

I couldn't even let her know what was going on. She seems to have left a message. 

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