part 9

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As Hayes and i cuddled on my bed he started to tell me something "Aspen?" "Yea Hayes" "I need to say something" He confessed. "Talk to me" " So i know we havent had our first date yet and ive been planning it for a while"he wasnt finished "For our first date were going to Six Flags Amusement Park!" He stood up in excitement. "When!" "Tommorow!!" He screamed. "Im gonna tell the guys!" Hayes ran out of the room into his.

It was the next day and i decided to wear a black and yellow (no pun intented) Batman sweater,Yellow skinny jeans and gray Uggs. I also put my sandy blonde hair in a messy bun. With my phone in hand made my way down the hall into the lobby to talk to Hallie who was at her desk on her computer. "Hey Hallie" ''Hey Aspen whats up?''  " I just want to know when our next MAGcon event is?" I asked. "In a month from now, why?" "I had a ton of fun in the last one and was wondering, but thankyou!" I walked over to the kitchen,grabbed a Bagel and took a bite.Walking down the hall someone grabbed me from behind,made me DROP MY BAGEL,and pick me up. Looking up i stared into those blue eyes i had fallen for, Hayes. "Whats going on!" I laughed." I was leaving the kitchen and im not sure you saw me in there when you left eating a bagel" "I didnt see you in there, i swear your like a ninja!" I giggled. "Well your hangin with us for the rest of the day, mkay?" "Fine with me" i grinned. Still carrying me in his arms he took me to his room and lay me down his bed. Everyone was in the room and staring at us laying side by side on the bed. "You ok Aspen?" Carter said aloud. "Yep, I just keep getting sneak attacked by this hottie" I laughed. "Hayes? Mind if we have the date tomorrow, im feeling lazy today"  "Yep its cool i feel lazy too"Hayes got up and asked "You want another Bagel? You were kind of eating and you dropped yours....".  "Yes i want a new Bagel, im starving" I said sarcasticlly. He left the room and Jack G yells "YOU WERE GONNA GO ON A DATE WITH HIM TODAY?" he was obviously surprised. "Yep. We were, but were feeling lazy today" I was on my phone."Im gonna take a nap so, when Hayes gets back tell him i was kidding i wanted a Bagel and im taking a nap, mkay?" "I will said Tay. "Thanks" I slipped the sheets over me and took a nap.

(A/N:I dont know if ill be doing anymore parts tonight i might do one more but im not sure also i am DEFENITLY not finnished with this fan fiction so check often for updates)

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