Part 1

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Dec answered the phone and immediately knew something was wrong!It was Christine,Ants mum,she was crying,struggling to get her words out.

Dec could feel the panic rising from deep in the pit of his stomach,terrified of what Christine was about to say.There was obviously something terribly wrong with Ant for her to be calling him in such a state

"There's been an accident" she said finally,voice trembling

Tears had already started to fall from Decs eyes,thinking he was about to be told the worst news of his life,his best friend dead?is that what he was about to hear?he crumpled heavily onto the nearest chair,dreading but desperately needing to hear Christines next words,no matter what they were.

"Ant?" Dec managed to mumble through his tears

"He's been in a car crash" Christine eventually said "he's ok,but he's been arrested for drink driving,he's at the police station"

Dec was shocked at this news but relieved his best friend was ok,he'd feared the worst and now breathed a huge sigh of relief.

Christine promised to keep him updated with any news and they said their goodbyes.

Dec couldn't help himself,he cried even harder,sad desperate sobs,distraught at Ants plight,knowing how scared,devastated and lonely he'd be at being locked up in a police cell,the thought of it broke Decs heart and he wished he could be there to hold and comfort him!

Dec shook his head sadly at himself,obviously that's not what police cells are for.

He couldn't understand why Ant would drink and drive,he'd never done anything like that before,not to his knowledge anyway,why would he do something so stupid?they had too much to lose,not just Ant alone,but their partnership,their friendship,why would he risk all that for a drink?it just didn't make sense!

Ant had had more than his fair share of problems,including his addiction to prescription drugs the previous year but he'd conquered that and worked so hard to get back on track and Dec was so proud of him,knowing how incredibly hard it was for Ant to fight his demons.Dec missed him so much every day when he was in rehab,but he understood it was for the best.

Ali came into the kitchen and was shocked at her husbands emotional state,tears streaking down his face.She rushed to put her arms around him

"Baby,what on earth is wrong?" She asked worriedly,Dec relayed everything Christine had told her,Ali held Dec tight as shocked disbelief also swirled through her mind.

Eventually after a testing few hours,they went to bed!They'd tried to make sense of what had happened and were desperate for news,but still there was none,all they knew was Ant had been locked in a police cell for hours and that thought broke their hearts!

Ali soon dropped off,her pregnancy at least making her sleep well but Dec just couldn't sleep knowing Ant was languishing in that place.

He laid on his back,staring at the ceiling,tears starting to run down his cheeks again.

At 3am,he got a text from Christine,he'd told her to call or text anytime day or night,the text simply said

'Hi Dec,Ant's just got home,he's very tired and emotional so has gone straight to bed,will know more in the morning'

Dec thanked her and rolled over in bed,attempting to put all the worry of the last few hours out of his head so he could fall asleep.

Of course it didn't work,he couldn't stop thinking about Ant,he thought back to how much he had already been through,the drug addiction,the horrendous pain in his knee,the botched operation,the insomnia,the separation from his wife who had moved out of their marital home and now this!

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