Chapter 7

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      It had been about two months since Jade and Tori had officially gotten together. They still hadn't told anyone that they were together so they had to keep to themselves while at school. Whenever they were by themselves though that was a totally different story. Jade had opened up more and even though she said she didn't want to change, she's been much nicer to Tori. She'll even go out of her way to help Tori.

     Now they're at the school getting their stuff ready for a trip Sikowitz wants them to go on. He says it's a bonding trip, but they think it's to get everyone out in nature. So Tori was at her locker making sure she had everything. She was so busy concentrating she didn't hear the footsteps coming up behind her. It wasn't until she felt arms wrap around her waist did she realize someone was there. Of course she knew who it was, because they only person to do that is Jade.

     "Jade there's people around. I thought you didn't want anyone to know just yet?" Even though they were technically in public, Tori put her hand over Jades.

     "I'm tired of hiding from everyone. I'm not afraid of whatever they have to say anymore. They can say what they want now. I don't care just as long as I have you in the end. Besides I want to be able to show you off all the time. You deserve it after all." Jade rested her chin on Tori's shoulder and then proceeded to bury her face in her neck.

     "If you're a hundred percent ok with people knowing. Whatever you're comfortable with,I'll be here by your side. Also I appreciate it. I've never been treated like that before." Tori slowly leaned back into Jade and inhaled her scent as Jade, just shook her head in acknowledgment. Of course she always smelled like coffee and mint, but today there was a hint of vanilla. Like she was trying out new scents.

     They stayed like that for awhile completely ignoring everyone around them. They were in their own little world, with no cares if anyone saw them anymore. Tori turned around in Jades embrace and buried her face in Jades neck. Pulling her impossibly closer to her own body. Not wanting to let go of her anytime soon, but knowing she had to.

     "You smell really good today. Trying out new things I see." She kissed her neck once before pulling away, surprised to see their friends staring at them with open mouthed expressions. Except for Cat who was staring at the ceiling, giggling. "Uh, hi guys." Jade stiffened and Tori wasn't sure if it was from the kiss or because their friends were there. She wasn't about to ask she just squeezed Jades shoulder to relax her the best she could and then let go of Jade to face their friends.

A/N- I know it's really short, but I promise the next one will be extra long. Hope you enjoy this one at least. Left you guys on a cliffhanger 😎

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