Chapter Three

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Writer's note— In ARBAON #1 I tried to keep chapters 2k or less. This time around I'm just writing what feels like a natural chapter arc to me. These can sometimes be around 3k words. Is this too overwhelming for you as a reader? I can try to cut down, how are you guys feeling about length?

Chapter song -> A Little More —Alessia Cara
Lyrics are apt, Derrick wants a little more Mike. But, you know, you can't always get what you want.


"You cannot keep doing this!" I erupted, throwing my hands up in exasperation. "Why can't you just leave me alone?!"

Lana was tapping her foot impatiently before she whisked off her sunglasses, shaking her head for a brief moment as her jet black hair fell into a perfect bob. "If you're done, then we need to go. Imminently."

"He's not going anywhere with you!" Mike yelled. "The crazy lady who's been following all of us around? I doubt it."

I curled a stray strand over my ear, nervous and embarrassed by how crazy my life seemed. "I'll take care of this." I said with an awkward laugh.

Gently, I grasped Lana's elbow and turned her away from Mike and Ricky, walking towards her car. "You're embarrassing me!" I whispered, as loudly as I dared.

"I could say the same to you." Lana said icily. "You destroyed our enchanted sensors—"

I made an indecent sound. "And why the fuck do you think I'd be okay with you keeping tabs on me without my consent, Lana? You just don't get it." I couldn't control how angry I was anymore and my voice was raising and raising until it was a shrill yell. "You people are making my life more of a shit show than it already is. What don't you get about leaving me the hell alone?!"

Lana was staring at me like I was an annoying insect she wanted to pulverize. Carefully, she put her sunglasses back on, the dark lenses hiding her eyes from me. Then, she lowered the lens dramatically, her dark brown eyes filled with disdain. "Done with your little temper tantrum?"

I spluttered, but Lana talked past me.

"You're the one who doesn't seem to get it. I don't care about your privacy. I don't care about what you do in your day to day activities. You know what I care about Derrick? I care about the fact that you are a documented case of a warlock who when emotional can become dangerous. Do you know what that means? You are and always will be a threat. No one leaves a ticking time bomb unattended. And, in the eyes of the Magic Federation, you're a ticking time bomb. You haven't proven anything to us. Only that you refuse to cooperate."

I shook my head. "And do you honestly think your approach has been in any way appropriate?"

Lana opened her mouth and then closed it. "Perhaps, we can start over. The enchanted sensors you destroyed are not listening devices. True, we have been monitoring you but the sensors just detect magic level, that's all! I'm not even sure you how got rid of them all."

I waved my hand dismissively. "I just used a surveillance disruption spell. It wasn't hard."

"None of what you do is supposed to be easy. And, we don't need to discuss this here. I've scheduled an appointment with your magic therapist, he's going to convince you to see the light."

"Ky is on my side, he wouldn't agree with any of what you're saying."

Lana gave me a look a disbelief before she got into the passenger seat of the car. Just before I was about to go in, someone pulled me back outside.

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