How We Met

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Author pov
It's a nice day. You just woke up and get ready for another day at school. Go to take a shower and then go into the kitchen for your breakfast.
"Good morning, y/n! Are you excited for today? you mom said
"Morning, mom! Why!? What is today? "
"It's your last day in high school, you silly!"
"Oh yeah, I almost forgot about it. Yeah I'm super excited. Well I have to go I don't wanna be late. Bye mom love you." you kissed your mom's cheek and then go to the school.
At the school gate is waiting for you your best friend, Anna.
"Come on we don't want to be late. The ceremony almost started."
"OK. Let's go."
After the ceremony you and your classmates took a last goodbye and then go home. Anna invited you at her home to have lunch.
"I have to ask my mom for permission."
"Ok" Anna said as she go to look for her father to give you a ride home.
"HI mom, can I have lunch at Anna's house?
" Of course, sweetie. But don't come home too late ok? "
" OK mom. Don't worry I won't. Love you! "you said as you ended the call.
" So? "
" She said to don't be home too late. "
" Oh OK let's go."
You get in the car and for your surprise is not Anna's dad who drive, is a boy. He has brown eyes and brown hair. He's tall, and a little cute.
" Umm Anna I didn't knew that your father is so young!" you said on a sarcastic tone.
" Oh, he's not my dad, he's my cousin, Adam."
"Hi. Nice to meet you..."
"Cute name for a cute girl!" he sais as he gives you a wink.
You blushed a little and your heart started gunning.
(What is wrong with me!?)you think as you try to remain calm.
"Y/n are you okay? Do you have a fever?" Anna asked worried
"No, why?" you asked confused
"Because you are all red and your cheeks seem to be burning."
(Oh, no. She can't find out that I'm like this because of her cousin.!)
"No I'm OK. Maybe is because I stayed in sun almost all day." you try to keep your voice as calm as you could.
"Oh yeah, maybe you're right. It was a hot day."
(Wow she is a good liar. I need to keep that in mind. And a little cute. Her h/c l/h and her e/c are pretty.)
"Cousin, are you OK?"
"Uhm, yeah why?"
"Because you were day dreaming again. And you should be more careful at the road before we make an accident. Don't you think?
" OH sorry, I was thinking about what should I do for lunch today. "
" You're gonna cook? "Anna jump in excitement
" Yup! "
(Wow! Handsome and know how to cook. Perfect man!)

Y/n pov
We arrived at Anna's house and we went to her room to change our clothes meanwhile her cousin is making the lunch. I put one of Anna's f/c t-shirts and a pair of f/c short jeans. And we go down in the kitchen. The smell of the food Adam is cooking is amazing. I bet it tastes as good as it looks. We sat around the table and we started eating. After the first bite I started to cough. I felt like I was about to choke. Adam and Anna just stood there and stared at me worryingly. I fell on my knees and Adam started to shout at me trying to help me. I raised my hand pointing at my backpack and Anna went to get my allergy pills. After 15 minutes I calmed down.
"What did you put on the food?"
"Nothing much. Just carrots, tomatoes, potatoes and onions."
"That must be." Anna said
"What can be?" Adam asked in confusion
"I'm allergic to onion."
"Oh my gosh, y/n I didn't know. I'm so sorry.!"
"Its okay. I know you didn't do it in purpose."
"How can I make up to you?"
"Hmmm. Maybe some ice cream with chocolate chips and strawberry?"
" Got it. Coming right away!"
"Thanks. We'll be in Anna's room."
"OK see you!"
"See you!"

Adam's pov
I'm feeling so sorry for what happened to y/n, but I didn't know that she is allergic to onions. When I get back I'm going to ask her what is she allergic at too. And maybe I can spend a little more time with her. Of course if my '' lovely'' cousin don't interrupt us. After I get the ice cream I arrived home just to find y/n sitting on the couch watching a horror movie. I'm going to scare her a bit. I walk on my tippy toes and grab her from behind, she started to scream and punch my nose in reflex. I fall on my knees and she was a little worried.

Y/n pov
After I punched Adam's nose I looked at him and his nose was bleeding. I ran to the fridge and grabbed a pack of ice and put on his nose not before I wiped the blood with my t-shirt. He started to laugh.
"Why are you laughing?"
"It's just the fact that you are so worried. Its just a nosebleed. " " Yeah, but it's my fault you are like this. Can you forgive me? "
(I'm going to play a little game to her) Adam thought
" I'm not sure. Still hurts and I don't think I can't smell anymore. Actually I feel a bit dizzy. I think I'm going to faint."
"Adam! H-hey wake up. Please it's not funny! Please...." I started crying and when Adam saw that he just got up and hugged me.
"H-hey it's ok. I'm just kidding. I'm so sorry. Please don't cry."
" Are you serious?! I got so worried about you and you were just joking around?! I can't believe you. Let me go!" and then I got away from his hug and go to Anna's room slamming the door.

Author POV

Anna just came in the living room hearing the screams and the door.
" What happened to you? And why was y/n screaming? "
After Adam explained her everything, Anna jut sighed and slapped him behind his head.
"Ow. What was that for?"
"For being an idiot! Y/n is very sensitive."
"Can you talk to her Anna? And tell her I am sorry?"
"I can try. But I'm not sure she will forgive you so easily."
"Thank you!"

Anna's POV

I go into the room and saw I y/n sitting beside the bed angry
"Hey y/n, are you OK?"
"No. Your cousin is a duche. I was so worried about him and he thought it would be cool to make fun of me. I don't wanna see him right now."
"Oh, sweetie it was just a prank. He is an idiot, I know. But he didn't do it on purpose. Can you please forgive him?"
"I don't know. I should go home before my mom will be freaking out. You know how worried she can be."
"Yeah I know."
Y/n changed into her clothes and got out of the room to walk home.
"Hey y/n I'm so so sorry for what I made."
"Its OK." she said on a emotionless tone.
"Bye, Anna. See you tomorrow!"
"Bye y/n. See you."
She walks out and then I saw my cousin sad. I've never seen him like this before over a girl.
"Hey, Adam do you like y/n?"
"I uh d-dont know. M-maybe?"
(Wow he is blushing, and can't find his words? Now I'm so sure he likes her. I have to help him with her.)
"It's so obvious. Don't try to hide it. You definitely like her. Don't you?"
"I guess it's no use to hide it anymore, right? Yea I like her!" he said with a big smile on his face.
Anna sat for a couple of seconds and then started to jump in excitement and screaming.
"Omg I'm so happy for you. And.... I'm gonna help you to win y/n's heart!"
"Really? Would you do that for me?"
"Of course, I would. We are cousins after all!"
"Thank you, Anna!"
You just got home and go to your room angry and sat on the bed, listening to your favourite melody untill you fall asleep.
The next day, Anna is calling you to go and get some drinks and maybe go to the amusement park.

I fell in love with my best friend's cousinNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ