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Name: kei Fuji
Gender: female
Birthday: October 13
Talent: musical actor
Appearance: brown hair that has two ribbons (one green and one yellow) in it with in a ponytail that hold by a red scrunchie, brown eyes, their is also small blonde highlights she dyed, she also patches of light white skin on her she tan skin.
Outfit: a hoodie that looks exactly like Michael's from be more chill, with red Bluetooth hoodies around her neck, a brown side bag, black skirt, yellow socks, brown boots. She also wears glasses
Like: music, singing, dancing, candy, video game
Dislike: losing someone close
Medical info?: Vitiligo
Execution: she on a stage with rope tie to arms and legs which monokuma plays an Musical soundtrack on in the background while using kei as puppet to make a small one person musical. After her arms and legs bend in different ways, monokuma drop the rolls which cause her fall on the ground cry, then a stage light falls and kills her
Family: a dead mother, an alcoholic father, a younger brother
Sexuality: pansexual
Other: she wants hug everyone she meets. End of story!

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