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Baaasically, i have nothing to write but i dont rlly care. I have this habit of  making 'n' ditching then merging failed story ideas. Its really hard to find a good story and the only way to find a good story is to make one.

Even though i cant write a fight scene to save my life, i think that i can still learn.
Im better at writing poems cause generally when i write stuff its usually upfront and dosent have much depth, not saying that poems dont do that but poems dont really have that much space to. They're very calculated.

So lemme start again.
I want to create a story or maybe a group of poems as well.
Ive been binging Mob Psycho 100 and ive learnt things.(as cringey as it sounds it make sense)
Like Reigans (or however u spell his names) story. He just wanted to be somebody. He wanted to quit his job until he met Mob. Someone who he seemed to be using when in reality in a somewhat way he was being someone. He taught Mob that he should use his powers for the greater good. And the best somebody you can be is somebody someone trusts because...
Everyones born missing something, that why we need each other to survive.
(Summin like that)
I realised how this actually works cause its true. The more you think about it the more it makes sense of how stupid i am cause humans are social mammals nah den omg.

Either way i dont want my story to be romance or anything. I kinda want it to be a story where you dont get answers or like a story where you have to try and decide what the ending is.

Btw me and my friend talk about this. Some stories are so good that they need to be published into a book or summin (cause my school always on the look out for them phones) but you cant do that because all the stories are like "KiM TAE HYunG MaiN CHaRaCtEr" so all ya gotta do is change the names ya know.
Its kinda like creating a rythme out of two words that dont rythme, you gotta mix it round a little 'n' shimmy it around.

Btw this may seem random but always remember your dreams. Its your hidden creativity at work while you sleep.

But the thing is if i acct am writing poems... wtf do i base it off?

Okay i already got dem ideas and encouragement better do it quick before it goes. Yayeeet.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2019 ⏰

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