live with them

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(06:00 am) (in the bedroom)

You wake up and look around, you slap your face and hope this is dream. Unfortunately this is not a dream but real. You get off the bed and go downstairs. You want to go to living room.

(In living room)
The living room so quiet, you feel that there is only you in this castle. Suddenly you hear something on the sofa. You check the sofa while carrying sharp wood. If there is a vampire then you will stab him with sharp wood.

When you get close to that sofa you immediately want to stab him but your hands stop. Because in the sofa there are only cats sleeping. You is confused, why is there a cat in this terrible castle?. When you look closely to that cat.

The cat is so cute, you pat her head with happy mood. The cat wake up

(Sorry the photo cat of Tenn i can't send, because internet. You can imagine cat Tenn like what?)

(Y/N) : sorry i'm wake you

Tenn : it's okay
. . . . . . .

(Y/N) : THE CAT CAN TALK!!!!!????

Tenn : Oi baka human, is me

(Y/N) : are you....

Tenn : Kujo Tenn *yawning*

(Y/N) : why you become cat!?

Tenn : is secret

(Y/N) : *where the other?, are they turn to be animal like Tenn?* (in mind)

Tenn : Oi baka human

(Y/N) : na-nani?

Tenn : i'm hungry

(Y/N) : why you ask me?

Tenn : cook me something *with cute eye*

(Y/N) : *want to refused but could not*ok ok, matte why you want me to cook something for you. You vampire right?

Tenn : of course, you think we just drink blood human. We drink blood human at night, this is morning.

(Y/N) : oh *go to kitchen*

(In the kitchen)
You open the refrigerator, and see just egg. You exhale and ask Tenn.


Tenn : up to you

(Y/N) : ok

You make the omelet and thinking. *if Tenn like this you have chance to kill him, but Tenn so cute if turn to cat, maybe later* you cooking like pro. You so glad that your commander teach you how to cook.

(15 minutes later)
Finally the omelet is ready, now you just put it on the plate. You brought the omelet to living room. But Tenn still sleep, you wake him. Tenn wake up and look at you.

(Y/N) : nani?

Tenn : ......i can't eat

(Y/N) : WHY!?

Tenn : you can't look, my arm is little

(Y/N) : you are like a spoiled child

Tenn : hurry up, baka human.

(Y/N) : hai haii, here say aaah

Tenn : nyaaa

(Y/N) : *close my mouth* OMG HE SO CUTE

Tenn : ?

When you feed Tenn, you hear the sound of a wolf. You look around and not realize, beside mu their is a wolf. You back away and ready to fight with that wolf.

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