Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


So, the plans are put in place, parents contacted, and arrangements made. We all sit eagerly in the common room waiting for the clock to strike 8:30. We decide if we got down there a bit early, we will be less likely to be walking into a trap. When the time finally comes for us to venture down the stairs, we all exchange anxious looks.

Slowly, we creep across the landing and spiral down the staircase. Then we edge down the corridor, past all the blackened classrooms and into the lobby area. The lamps are dimmed, and the main lights have been switched off for the evening. There is nobody here. We are early, after all. We sit awkwardly on one of the sofas, twitching at the smallest of noises or movement. Seconds felt like hours and that half an hour was the longest of my life. As the hand moved slowly upwards more students began to arrive. They see us sitting uneasily and follow suit. At exactly 9 oclock the main doors crash open with a loud bang and there in front of us is what we have been waiting for. This is no prank.

The silhouette of a woman stands in the doorway, framed by the silvery moonlight of the night. We look at each other with the strangest expression, all reacting to this unexpected sight. Then the lights turn on and things get even stranger. The woman is surrounded by big strong men with too many weapons to count. This however seems unnecessary for the woman creates an atmosphere of intimidation, which is so strong no one in their right mind would ever dream of crossing her. She has a blonde bob and piercing blue eyes. Although she is shorter than some of the students in here, it is irrelevant to the hierarch, for she is superior to everybody else, even the tallest man here wouldnt be able to touch her. She wears a long black leather jacket, black leather trousers and a black t-shirt to match. In the dim light I can just about see the glint of several large knives under her jacket and there are probably more I cant see. Her dominance over everyone else is evident.

Follow me, she utters, her words like venom in the uneasy silence. We are led out the door and into the quiet of the night. Darkness makes the trees look like gnarled hands and the school behind us like a haunted castle of my nightmares. The grass hisses with the wind. The road that we are led out onto is a silvery river of moonlight. We cross quickly, trying to avoid being seen. On the other side of the road is a farmhouse which appears eerie in the moonlight. Around the house there is a farmyard with some farm like buildings across from us. We are led into the farmhouse and, without knocking, the dominant lady opens the door and shows us inside. It is even darker in here than it was outside with no artificial lighting to guide us into the room. Then a dim light bulb, with no shade over it, is switched on and it illuminates the room just enough for us to see. There is a grimy looking brown carpet on the floor and a rotten dresser opposite the dilapidated door.

The lady leads us to the corner of the room where part of the carpet has come away from the wall. She picks up the corner and peels it back to reveal a trapdoor that looks as if it has seen better days. The air that comes up with it is thick with dust and smells musty. I go over to the hatch and look down. The Lady has already begun to descend a rusty ladder that I am not confident will hold my weight. I turn around to discover, that apart from Olivia, I am the only one who has gone forward to take a look. Everybody else is stood in the corner of the room, cowering slightly.

Wimps I mutter to Oliva as we make our way down through the gap in the floor. The others are soon to follow and as I am reaching the bottom, I hear the last person, Edward call that everyone is through. Its very like him to make sure everyone else is safe before going himself. Now I feel bad about calling him a wimp. This thought is wiped from my mind however because I have made it to the bottom, and I am met with an unexpected surprise.

The floor and walls are shiny silver and directly in front of me, and the emerging Olivia, are two automatic doors made of the same material. We walk over to them together and they open up to reveal a massive room. There are touch screens on every wall and the floor is polished marble. To the far end there are doors to other rooms and in the centre is a giant round table with many chairs around it. The lady suddenly seems to relax and, although still intimidating, less so in the white light of this room.

Once everyone is through the doors and inside the lady instructs us to go over to one of the bigger screens to the left hand side of the room. On the screen are passport like photos of all of us with our name and some information about us.

Welcome to the YSA, Recruits. The lady begins. Today you will be tested on a number of different skills and the best of you will be selected. You will be split into your groups now. She pulls out a piece of paper from her back pocket and announces where we will all be stationed. My friends and I are in the hand to hand combat room first. That doesnt sound good! But it is quite fun, they teach us some skills and then watch us as we use them on dummies. I feel like I did alright. We all did (particularly Olivia as she does karate). Next up is skill at arms. This I find very amusing as I have always been good with a gun. I beat everybody else. Edward was especially impressed! Then we did a bit of theory and at one point I almost fall asleep, bearing in mind it is gone 10.30pm and my energy is finally expiring after a very long day. Luckily this is the last task, after which we are all brought back to the centre room. It is time for them to announce their selections. We all sit eagerly on the floor, waiting for them to call out the names. Then its finally time and the lady comes into the room.

We have the final selection. Please stand if your name is called: Edward, Olivia they stand with a sense of pride. Good for them Rose, Lidia, Alice yes, Im in! Josh, Samuel, John Just Amelia now Gideon, Helen, Abigail and Amelia we are all in. What a relief! Despite this good news for me and my friends there are lots of sullen faces among the people who have remained seated. Everyone who is still sat down I am afraid you havent made it this year. Better luck next time. You can go! At this they all stand up and, slowly, leave the room. As for the rest of you welcome to the team. I am Charlette and I am head of the YSA here at Ravenwood. Please come and take your rightful place at the table. You are one of us now. Her tone has surprisingly changed, and she is kinder now. Im beginning to like her more. We all go and take a seat around the table. This instantly makes me feel important. Makes me feel like I have achieved something.

By the time we get back to the common room its gone 11.30pm and we are all too exhausted to say anything. I slip into my pyjamas and brush my teeth before collapsing into my new bed. Just as comfortable as I remembered, it didnt take me long to get to sleep.

The next morning, I wake up at 8.00pm. School doesnt start until nine, but I do need to get some breakfast. I arise from my slumber and get dressed into my uniform, which I discover has been washed. Then I stumble down to the dining hall where I find Edward already eating.

Morning I announce, maybe slightly toop loudly.

Morning he cheerfully replies. And that was the only conversation we had in the ten minutes it took the others to arrive. Surprisingly, however, it wasnt awkward as we gave each other lots of friendly looks. I guess neither of us are morning people.

Later that day, at lunch, we are all sat in the common room, having already eaten. The boys are sat on the sofas, one doing homework and the other on his phone. Us three girls are all quietly chatting on the window seat when theres a knock on the door. Its a maid.

I have been asked to question you on who you want for your afternoon tea on Friday so it can be arranged with St Patricks. after a few seconds of no response she quickly adds I will give you some time to think about it. and left the room in more of a hurry than she had entered it with. At that point I go and grab a notebook from my bedroom so I can write down who each of us wants.

Who do you want boys? I ask the two grumpy lions by the fire place.

Ill have Harry Edward replied.

Im not bothered thanks; Id rather leave that lot behind me Josh muttered just loud enough for us to hear.

Ok, who shall we have guys? now Im looking at Amelia and Olivia for answers.

Lets just keep to Violet and Amanda for ease Amelia replies, and Olivia agrees so I add both their names to the list. Just before I call the maid back, using the maids bell, I add another name without the others noticing. Then I give in the list and we all stumble back to lessons without another word on the subject.

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