30. 23rd June 2014 - Prom Part 1

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"You two look amazing!" Mia said as Gabby and I walked down the stairs linking each other's arms because heels and stairs don't mix. Plus Gabby had oversized pants so she was risking falling over a lot tonight,

"Thank you," I smiled at my sister who had her phone in one hand and her Polaroid camera in the other,

"I thought we could take some pictures on my phone and then we could take some Polaroid pictures because who doesn't love Polaroid pictures?" She laughed, Gabby and I smiled and stood next to each other pulling some strange faces and changing into really awkward positions,

"Polaroid time," Mia said,

"Take two! One for me and one for Gabs," I told her, she nodded her head and minutes later we were staring at the picture as it slowly started to appear on strip,

"It feels weird without Jay," Gabby said,

"I know," I sighed,

"Maybe we could call her? I don't think she's going because Alex supposedly asked someone else,"

"You three have been through everything together," Mia said to me, she knew I was hesitating whether to actually do it or not,

"I'll give her a call," I said after a moment of silence. I grabbed my phone from my bag and called her, after waiting till her voice-mail sounded I sighed,

"No answer,"

"What about that girl Emma next door, is she going?" Gabby asked, I ran out the door and knocked on Emma's door, surely she'd come with us, we had gotten friendly (mostly due to the fact we were helping each other learn about the Cold War for History)

"Hi!" She said cheery,

"I take it you're not going to prom?" I asked as I looked her outfit up and down, she was in her pyjamas,

"No-one asked me,"

"No-one asked Gabby and I and we're going together, why don't you come with us?"

"Because it's 6:50, the dance starts in 10 minutes," She said,

"The Queen is never late everyone else is early," I told her as I stepped into her house to get her ready,

"I'll call Gabby to bring all the make-up round, we'll look in your wardrobe for a dress first yeah?" I asked, she smiled,

"Thank you,"

"That's what friends are for, now come on. There's late and there's taking the piss late," I said grabbing her hand and dragging up the stairs. I said to her little brother on the stairs and slammed her door shut and her wardrobe door open,

"Text Gabby and tell her to bring over all the make-up and if she says even the expensive stuff say yes," I told Emma as I searched through her wardrobe,

"You wear a lot of bright colours," I said pushing a neon yellow top to the side,

"I like colour,"

"I can tell," I whispered as I pushed a disgusting red t-shirt to the side. She had lovely dresses but no one's you would wear to prom,

"This one," I said as I reached the very end of her wardrobe, I pulled out a long plain white dress that reached the floor and smiled,

"I got that one for a wedding but we moved here before I could go," She told me,

"It's beautiful and simple,"

"I'll try it on, I've been eating a lot lately," She laughed, as she walked into her bathroom the door went so I went down to let in Gabby who looked like she was ready to drop everything in a heartbeat,

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