Chapter 1

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Natsu's POV

"Eternal Flame! We have news from your father!" One of the employees called out to me.

"What's the news!" I asked excitedly.

"Your father is requesting a best friend for you from the Ice Kingdom!" The employee said smiling up at me.

My face showed total shock. A best friend!? From the Ice Kingdom!? My father knows how much I hate those people!

"What is this nonsense that you speak?" I said still shocked at his words.

"It is your fathers wish Eternal Flame." He stated.

"Oh... I wish to be alone now..." I ordered him.

"As you wish..." He said bowing and leaving the room.

When he left the room and shut the doors behind him a growled and through a glass cup across the room.

"What the hell!? My father knows that I hate those stupid Ice brats!" I yelled kicking some other things.

I decided to have a talk with my father. I opened the door and slammed it shut heading for my father's room. When I approached his room I swung the doors open.

"Father! What is this nonsense that I was told!? A friend from the Ice Kingdom!? I could never! Nevermind a best friend!" I yelled at my father.

"You must son." He said not missing a beat.

I growled and stomped my foot, "You know that I hate those bastards! Why do I need a best friend from them anyway!?" I asked my father.

"Because son!" He started glaring at me, "We are joining with them so as the Eternal Flame you must be wrapped in the goodness of The Ice!" He finished snapping at me.

"Whatever.." I mumbled starting to leave the room.

"Oh and son! The Ice will be sleeping over for a couple days.." He said smirking.

I ignored what he said and made my way to my room. I can't believe my stupid father!

This was the first chapter minna! Hope you enjoyed it~! ^w^

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