Two weeks later pt 2

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Jacob then stared at Michael who was enjoying it ...He unbutton his pants and saw how big he was he wasn't surprise he saw plenty of dudes like that but Michael was a big one

Jacob went up and down that caused Michael to moan even more...sweat starting to form out out his body cause the room temperature change but Really he was getting hot

Michael wanted Jacob so badly that he couldn't wait no more Michael grabbed him and kissed him his hormones was coming out

Jacob knew what he was doing he told Michael vampire sex is more powerful then regular sex he wanted to experience

Jacob: then come here

Michael kisses Jacob and Jacob got on top of him ...he told Michael to put it in and he did

He began to move and Michael moaned it felt so good after so long

Michael: Ahh

Jacob went faster that Michael went crazy

Michael: Ahh

Jacob pinned his arms down to the bed and Michael 👀 went to the back oh his head

It went on for hours until Michael reached his climax

Jacob felt him coming and kept going until he did after a good five minutes Michael came

Michael: Ahh(climax)

Jacob: I love you Michael

Michael: I love you too(falling asleep)

Jacob knew he had falling asleep so he removed himself from Michael and put the covers over them

Jacob turned the light off and they had falling asleep Michael didn't know that vampire sex was so powerful and now he knows ...he can still feel Jacob

Next Morning

Jacob POV

I was out shopping and I tried to wake Michael up but I knocked him out well ok then

Michael POV

Last night felt amazing we had sex I didn't know it would feel like that I can still feel him which is a natural reaction's been awhile since I had sex but it felt like my first time all over again

After a whole two hours Michael woke up and saw that it was 2:30 so he got up and went to 🚿

Michael stepped in the 🚿 and washed up he let the water hit his face ...once he was finished he wrapped the towel around him and brushed his teeth ...then he went to go find some clothes to wear

Jacob came home and took all his things upstairs in he was back at his home

Jacob POV

ahh my sweet home I missed you so I unlocked the door and took all my things upstairs I went shopping for some clothes and 👟 lol

After he was done doing that he went to go take him another 🚿 he's OCD he likes to be clean

Michael pulled up to Jacob house and got out the car he knocked on the door but it was no answer

Michael POV

I pulled up to Jaco house and knocked on the door he didn't answer I get something under the Matt and it was a 🔑 so I used that to unlock the door and I'm keeping it

He unlocked the door and walked in he heard Jacob in the 🚿 so he went to the kitchen and found some breakfast he was going to keep the key

He put it on his keychain and put it back in his pocket that's when he heard Jaco coming back down from the stairs

Jacob came downstairs and said hey to Michael

Michael: Hey

Jacob: See you enjoying yourself

Michael: yes I am

Jacob: but what's up

Michael: just wanted to see you

Jacob: Ahh that's sweet

Michael: I know...I had fun last night

Jacob: I did as well

Michael: Was it your first time

Jacob: Yes

Michael: ok

Michael didn't judge him cause it was Jacob first time having sex

Jacob: But how do you feel

Michael: I feel fine

Jacob: ok

Michael: why you ask

Jacob: just making sure I didn't damage anything

Michael: no I'm fine

Jacob: ok good

There was a knock on the door and it was Jacob friends

Jacob: I'll see you guys in the pool

They went out to the pool and Jacob went into the kitchen

Jacob: you want a glass of wine

Michael: yes

He took out two glasses and put them some wine...but it was vampire wine

Jacob: Cheers

Michael: Cheers

They did a toast and drinked the wine it was really good

Michael: can I have some more

Jacob: ok

He poured him his second glass and it was good

All of his friends were in the pool having a good time laughing and talking about the memories they share over the years was just a chill day

Jacob was sitting on the counter texting and Michael came in the kitchen he had fun with Jacob friends

Jacob: yes

Michael: your friends are funny

Jacob: thanks

Michael: your welcome

He was all up in his phone and Michael wonder who he was texting

Michael: who you texting your all in your phone

Jacob: Sorry just handling business right now

Michael knew what that meant when he says handling business he knew Jacob to well

Michael: ok

Jacob: Don't worry it doesn't involve you...but I feel like somebody finna show up and try to hurt you

Michael: again

Jacob heard everyone calling his name and he went outside

They wanted Michael and he hid behind Jacob ....they weren't leaving until they get him

Jacob told everyone to take Michael in the house and Jacob got in a fight with the dude

Jaco won once again and he burned the body that's when everyone else took off they never seen him that upset before

So he had calmed down and walked in the house with the biggest headache ever

Jacob: it's over guys

Everyone came out the room and saw that everything was clear

Jacob: Now lets get back in the pool

They were so excited to get back in the pool and Michael joined them as well it was slot of fun but it was home time for everyone

Jacob: goodnight guys

They said goodbye Michael Jacob went upstairs and went to sleep

Next chapter is coming

Vampire love story Where stories live. Discover now