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Previously on PAGES

"What is the point Kira! He is not yours anyway" Kira said to herself

"What is the point Kira! He is not yours anyway" Kira said to herself

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At Taehyung's house

Days went by
Taehyung and Joy were now in a lovely relationship,they always walk together, talk together.....

Though Joy proposed to Taehyung but he never said ' i love you ' to her so he planned to propose to her one day.....

At Taehyung's house

He was chatting with Joy Day and night..... The new lovely dovely couple were having there romantic chat at night 2.30pm..... with zero tolerance in sleep Taehyung bid good bye to Joy and plopped down on his bed

"You did wrong!" a voice said

Taehyung quickly set up and saw the same lil girl who called her self Sarang

"Hey! What are you doing here?" Taehyung questioned her

"That's not a problem,you did something wrong and you have to face the consequences!" Sarang says again (refer previous chapter)

"What? What did I do?" Taehyung asks

"Because of your fault,she is going to be in danger" the lil girl says again

"What are you saying? I can't understand you!" Taehyung says

"She was born for you ! It is the fate! But because of you, her existence is going to fade! Taehyung,she will disappear from this world!" The lil girl says

"Who? Who are you talking about?" Taehyung asks

"If I tell you,I will disturb the flow! First you have to know who exactly you are, then you will never leave her" the lil girl says and leaves the place

Taehyung chases the girl,but he was too late the lil one is now no were to be found

Taehyung sighs and goes to his room

"Taehyung it's just one of your hallucination" Taehyung says to himself and dozes off to sleep.

*Skip* the next day

Taehyung decides to propose to Joy!
He bathed and wore a purple turtle neck shirt and a black jeans matched with black boots.


(Author: the following scene must be imagined like two consecutive scene takes place in same time for Instance 'if Taehyung is going to a buy a flower bouquet in Korea at the same Time Kira is going to a photoshoot in Japan' two actions two different person doin it in the same Time in different place. I hope you guys get it ✨)

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