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Danny stares at me and the woman, knowing that there's no way out of it. He took a giant gulp and was about to say something.

"Hey!" A man shouted from across the street. He ran over, with a concerned look on his face, "They are the 2 missing boys. They have been all over the news." Danny's face became filled with panic. The woman looked at us with a blank stare.

"Oh my goodness!" She said, "They are. We have to take them to the police."

"NO!" Danny said, "We can't go back home."

"Yes we can." I said, "Please, I don't want him to kill me."

"Chad, I didn't kill Dad, you did." The man and the woman looked at each other. I was holding onto the woman's hand, while the man was holding Danny's arm. They whispered to each other about what they should do, I assume. Another man quickly walked up.

"I called the police on the payphone. They are on their way." The man and woman both said thank you to the man. Danny began to cry.

"Why are you crying?" The woman asked. Danny didn't say anything.

"Why did you run away from home?" The man asked.

"We were scared that Mom was going to attack us." I answered, "That and Danny wanted to protect me from figuring out that he had killed Dad."

"That is a lie." Danny said.

"You know, your Mother is very worried about you guys."

"How do you know that?" Danny asked.

"She's been all over the news." The woman sighed, "We've heard about the story every day since it happened."

"Does she miss us?" I asked.

"Of course. You guys meant everything to your mother."

"Is she sober?" Danny asked. He looked mad at this point. I wasn't sure if it was because of the questions or the entire situation. I assumed both.

"Sober from what?" The man asked.

"Alcohol." Danny replied, "She was an alcoholic and whatever else turned her into that monster."

"She wasn't a monster on the news." The woman said, "She looked terrible actually. She talked about you like her world had ended. Whatever that monster was, it definitely wasn't there."

"She was probably acting." Danny said, looking away.

"Danny, Mom does love us." I said. Danny stayed quiet.

"You boys made it pretty far. Where were you going?" The second man asked.

"I don't know." I said, "We didn't know. Danny just kept saying that we had to keep going so they couldn't find us."

"Well your lucky you did make it. There's all kinds of things out there that can kill you. You boys are pretty young, how did you make it?" I looked at Danny but he didn't answer.

"Danny. It was all him. He found us shelter, got us water, caught food, everything."

"Well he definitely saved you then." I look at Danny once more. He keeps whipping his tears away. I had a few tears building in my eyes when I seen the cop car pull up. 2 police officers got out and walked up to us.

"We honestly didn't believe you when we got the call. We thought there was no way these boys were alive." He shook the hands of the three people who caught us, "We thank you all for your help."

"Oh no, thank you." The woman said.

"Their mother will be very happy to hear that they are safe."

"Oh absolutely." The man said.

"Come on, kiddos. Let's go." The 2 officers put us in the back of the cop car. Danny still had tears running down his face, while I just started to cry. I don't know why Danny was crying. Maybe it was because he knew that the whole world was going to find about his secret. My tears were more of relief and happiness. I was happy that I finally knew the truth, and that we were finally going home.

"Everything is going to be ok, I promise." I stared at the officer as he said that. It sounded very similar to what Danny started saying to me after we ran away. At the time it seemed odd to me but now that detail seems a bit lame. We started driving.

"Where are you taking us?" I asked.

"Home, Chad. They are taking us home."

"Actually, we are taking you boys to the station first." Danny raised his head to look at the officer, "Your mother filed a report with us, stating that you ran away, so we have to have her meet us there and verify that you are her kids. Then we will get your report on why you fellas ran away and if everything goes smoothly, we can have you boys home by tonight." We continue driving in silence. It seemed like forever before we got there.

"Ok boys, we are here." The officers got out and opened our doors. By now Danny and I were no longer crying.

"Is Mom here?" Danny asked with a mad, yet worried look.

"Not yet, but she is on her way. I'm sure it won't be long." They walk us into the police station. All of the officers were staring at us. 

"Wow. Can't believe their alive." One said. A few of them said some other things that I couldn't make out. They bring us to a room. The room had a couch and a table.

"You guys just stay here. We will have someone bring you some food and water. Then we will reunite you with your mother." The officers closed the door. I sat down on the couch, while Danny leaned up against the wall.

"Don't you want to sit?" I ask. Danny didn't say anything, looking at the ground.

"Danny. Danny." He came and sat down, "Aren't you going to say something?"

"What do you want me to say, Chad? Look you are getting your wish. They will send us back home."

"You won't go home, Danny. Once they hear about Dad-"

"You killed Dad, Chad not me. How many times do I have to say it. This just proves that you can't handle the truth. Once Mom tells them the truth, maybe you will see." I sat there, silent. I was at a loss for words. Could he be right? There's no way I killed Dad. It was definitely Danny. He was the king at lying. It was time for the truth to come out.

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