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Full Name: Shibo Kakeguri
Talent: Ultimate Executioner
Height: 5'4
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: Long black hair that goes down to her ankles, black eyes that are cold. Pale skin. She wears knee high socks, black skirt, a black cloak and white blouse.
Likes: Salmon, Green tea, peanut7s, instrumentals.
Dislikes: holidays, being called a tree, rock music.
Killer/Victim/Survivor: Survivor or Killer.
Backstory: Shibo grew up in a small town in China, the town is known for it's many criminals. Eventuality, Shibo's brother was mayor and started to enforce laws. If some laws were broken, Shibo was forced to kill the criminal with any method possible. Brutal or not. Innocent or not.
Family: Leo Kakeguri{Brother}
               Rin Kakeguri{Dead Mother}
               Jian Kakeguri {Dead Father}

Her mother had passed away due to food poisoning, and her father died of old age.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2019 ⏰

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