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Most people didn't expect it, no one thought it would have been him. But the day they finally found her body they knew, when they saw he had all of their watches they new.

Chester Hughes, an intelligent man, with small glasses, who owned an antique shop. From the outside a family man, even had a picket fence.

Then Marlene and Celeste Hughes went missing. People had been going missing from the surrounding cities and states but this was the first time it happened in St. David's, the small town rarely saw crime.

The day they found Marlene, I thought would be the worst day of my life. Then they found my sister, Celeste, and then they found their killer.

That was the last day I truly felt anything, the day the judge read out my fathers verdict,

"The jury has come to the decision that Chester Edmond Hughes is guilty of twenty-six counts of murder in the first degree, one count of attempted murder, two counts of tax evasion and two counts of sexual assault." The judge sighed as he said it, he looked to a young boy, a confused young boy who barely knew his left from rights. "And is sentenced to death by lethal injection"

The little boy would pray every night, hoping they found something to prove it wasn't him, that his father couldn't have done this. Then he confessed, he told every sick detail.

Knowing that the man who raised you did this changes you, completely changes you. You feel empty, you get looked at like a monster for something you didn't even do. You realize the little things that put the pieces together, like why he missed your soccer game or why he immediately took a shower when he got home from work trips.

Going to school after he was sentenced was almost worse then his sentencing and confession. Kids looked at me, asked sick questions, or even ask me why he did it. Even the teachers where grossly enticed.

"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, is that correct Dagen"

"What are you gonna do about it, huh, kill me"

"It must run in the blood"

"Watch out for Dagen"

"Don't talk to Dagen he'll kill ya like his dad killed his sis"

Everyday was like hell. Everyday.

10 years went by, and the town had tried to recover, tried to forget the rough past. But as of yesterday it was all brought right back up, when Erin Morgan's car was found abandon in a church parking lot.

Erin Morgan wasn't just any girl, she was the girl, the daughter of the mayor, the captain of the cheerleading team and even the town beauty queen, "Miss St.David"

Immediately when she went missing the first person they interview, the first person they looked at was me. It was like everyone expected it to be me, like they had been waiting for this to happen, waiting for me to snap. It felt like every brick was stacked up against me, and they had finally fell on me.

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