Play Date

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Farah and i have been seeing each other for a while now and see each other on a regular basis, she obviously knows about Rudy because she has seen her but I've never brought Rudy out with me because i never wanted it to be too much for Farah to deal with. Luckily Farah decided we should  to see each other again which I'm extremely pleased at but this time its not really much of a date for us.. more of a play date for Rudy because Farah is bringing her little brother Cameron who is 11 months so 5 months older than Rudy as Rudy is now 6 months old!

Rudy is doing brilliant, she is sitting up, sleeps all night thankfully! And we are expecting her to say her first word any day now and all the boys are trying to make it their name, I'm hoping for it to be of course Dada or Daddy but what ever it is i will be surprised and happy at my clever little girl.

I believe Rudy has made us all so much closer and for that im so thankful.

I strap Rudy into her car seat, she looks so cute wearing her denim dress with flowers on it and her white headband, its safe to say our dress sense has gotten better but that's because we see what Lou dressed Lux in at that age. I start talking baby nonsense which makes her giggle which makes me smile and laugh too, its just so adorable!

I pick up Farah and she walks out with Cameron who is an adorable baby boy dressed in dungarees shaped like a bear, blue and white stripped top, a bear hat and mini white converse.

"she looks so cute?" Farah smiles strapping Cameron into his car seat which she has put into my car.

"thanks, so does Cameron" i grin back and when she sits beside me i give her a quick kiss


We had decided to go swimming and as carried Rudy to the pool i got more and more nervous, i was going to see Farah in her bikini!

I sat at the edge of the pool with my legs in the water waiting when i felt someone tap my shoulder

"have i kept you waiting?" Farah as and i turned round and could only just about manage to shake my head

"Good, lets get in then shall we" she giggled like a school girl passing Cameron to me then diving in, Cameron had arm bands on so when she resurfaced he jumped in after her out of my arms

"I'm so sorry!" i exclaimed

"don't worry about it, he does it all the time, he is pretty strong for his age no one expects it" she shrugged as Cameron bopped along beside her

I slid in with Rudy in my arms and at first she was taken aback but then i put her in an inflatable baby's ring and she was laughing just like she would in a bath.

Farah laughed at Rudy as Cameron swim off using his arm bands and he was pretty good for someone of his age

"he is a really good swimmer" i complemented and Farah nodded

"yeah we bring him as often as we can" she shrugged


i was pushing Rudy around the pool then swimming under the inflatable to the other side, she loved it as i disappeared then reappeared at the other side, he giggles could be heard from one end of the pool to the other. Farah brought Cameron over to us but he started to kick up a fuss about not being able to swim on his own like any boisterous child he wanted to be on the move constantly but then he started to kick his legs and fling his arms about sending waves of water everywhere and the splashes were getting Rudy, shocked at the water in her eyes because i was so careful in the bath started to cry and scream which agitated Cameron even more so basically the play date ended in a disaster so we just got out.

After having something to eat i dropped Farah and Cameron back home then took a sleeping Rudy home to, putting her to bed... that was one bonus of the day it meant Rudy went to sleep early so i had more free time.

(A/N Sorry kind of a filler! not sure what to do next though guys!!!!

Tell me what you think should happen and the idea i like best i will dedicate the chapter too, thanks guys love you



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