A Handsome Hostile

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"I've got dinner ready for us dear." Natasha said it so innocently. So easily. She called me dear. It would've made my stomach warm with delight if what I was seeing wasn't the bloody mess that used to be some poor bastard. He reminded me of someone I knew, a high school nobody.

"What have you done? To him? And more importantly to me?" My voice shakes. Is it fear? Or hunger?

"It doesn't matter who he is now or ever Virgil, he's a faceless meal now." Natasha said, fully aware of the situation at hand. She must have got off on the leverage she had at that moment. She knew I was hungry.

As she spoke to me I felt drawn in closer, bound to the silky scent of rose on her breath. She's covered from head to toe in spatted matter from this man's veins and all I can think about is rose and blood. And blood.

Delicious blood.

No! That's disgusting!

"Virgil honey I'm talking. Our meal here isn't long for consciousness, or this world for that matter."

Oh she's talking again maybe I should focus. Wait, did she say he's still conscious?

"How will you deal with him Virgil? Supper here is clinging to life with all he's got and he hasn't got much left." Shes right. As he slowly turns his head to me I see his eyes struggle to focus on me yet his eyes go from struggle to fear instantly.

"You're... here... she said you would... come."

The nearly dead man spoke with the last bit of conviction in his body as his eyes closed like a sun setting unto dusk. A victim like I was, not too long ago, in this very alley.

"You know Virgil, I saved your life. Did you know that sweetie?"

My thought is interrupted. I have no clue what she means. My mind is really not in the best place right now but I'm sure I would remember her saving my life. Last time I checked I almost died twice so far actually.

"Your eyes are becoming a nice shade of grey Virgil honey. It really brings out the hunger in them. You're hungry aren't you? How about you kill our dinner for us like the big man you are now dear. Don't make me dirty my pretty hands more than I already have."

She knows I'm hungry. I know I'm hungry. Am I willing to kill and eat a human being?

"Kill him Virgil, I'm hungry too! What kind of man did I make you into? A killer or more food for myself? Show him our new Virgil!"

"This bitch is crazy! I can't kill a man!" It's like she thinks I'm like her or something!

"Fine. I'll do it myself but I won't be happy about this." She politely exclaimed

She swings her honed claws with blinding speed, cutting through the man's stomach, broadcasting his entire digestive system to our humble alley. The sight of the pink and red tubing organized neatly in this torso appeals to me in a way I've only felt when looking at a Tavern Burger at Spanky's. I feel my mental block slip and I take off to enjoy my meal laid before me by Natasha.

I feel my hunger subside but as that feeling dwindles I feel a great break in my mind. I snap out of my eating frenzy and peak to my right, towards the now opened eyes of my helpless victim.

My gut was right, it was him. Ray Gomez. He didn't deserve this. I'm so sorry. Blackness envelopes my eyes and I collapse in someone else's blood for once.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2019 ⏰

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