Chapter 6 - Cool Hot Sweet Revenge

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As I arrive at school, I feel everyone's eyes on me as I make my way down the hallway. When I finally make it to my classroom, their gazes keep following me. Instead of being greeted back by my other classmates, I am met with judging looks and countless murmurs. As I sit down, I turn to Yiren, who looks concerned.                                                                                                                                             "Yiren, what's going on?" I whisper ask                                                                                                                      "Zhang-Li, what happened between you and Zhi-Ruo?"                                                                                     I stare at her, confused "what do you mean? Why are you asking about Zhi-Ruo all of a sudden?" "People are saying that you tried to steal Wang-Wei from Zhi-Ruo and you even called her bitch to him and stuff like that"                                                                                                                                                  In shock, I blink a couple times in disbelief and then look back at Yiren "when did these rumors start to spread?"                                                                                                                                                                    "They were already spread by the time I got to school today. I bet Zhi-Ruo got her friends to spread it this morning. You know how fast they get rumors around the school"                                     Glancing around the classroom, I begin to panic                                                                                                    Yiren puts her hand on my shoulder "Hey, it's going to be okay. This will pass soon, okay?"             With tears forming in my eyes, I nod at her "thanks for saying that Yiren"

[ Wang-Wei's POV ]

As I walked down the hall after Katie went to her class, I went a slap on my shoulder                            "Yo, Wang-Wei" I turned to be greeted by one of my classmates, Minghao.                                                I shoot him a small "hey, what's up"                                                                                                                              He slips his phone out of his pocket, unlocks it and hands me it                                                                     Confused, I take it and look down on the screen. To my surprise, it was a screenshot of someone talking about Katie and how she is trying to steal me from Zhi-Ruo. "What is this?" I ask, shooting straight daggers at Minghao                                                                                                                          He puts his arm up "hey man, I don't know. That's why I'm asking you"                                                     I forcibly hand back his phone and storm off to go find Zhi-Ruo                                                                      

I burst open the door to Zhi-Ruo's classroom and grab her by the wrist, accompanied by some "ooo's" from her friends. When we finally reach outside and turn to her to be greeted by a smirk on her face                                                                                                                                                                             "Wang-Wei, I didn't know you were so into PDA" she says slyly                                                                       "Shut up. You know I didn't see you with a positive reason. Why the hell did you spread those rumors about Zhang-Li"                                                                                                                                                     Zhi-Ruo rolls her eyes at me "why is it always Zhang-Li? Why are you always talking about her or with her? Did you forget that I am your girlfriend?"                                                                                               "Zhi-Ruo you wouldn't even be my girlfriend if it weren't from Zhang-Li! So why the hell are you trying to bring her down for?"                                                                                                                                          She went silent "so you don't even like me?"                                                                                                           I let out a sigh. "No, I never did. I like Zhang-Li and will always love Zhang-Li. So please, stop doing this to her. She has a past with being bullied, it has traumatized her."                                             She scoffs "you think I'll stop? You never considered how I felt. I like you and you knew that but you played with me. If you think I have any shroud of respect left for you and that boyfriend stealing bitch you're wrong. So if you want me to stop, you better act like the perfect boyfriend or else."                                                                                                                                                                                      "Yeah right" I say before walking away 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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