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The Present


One of the words to describe Blessing in this exact moment.


Mentally. Physically.

What she had experienced in this moment was indescribable and hard to compare to her 23 years of living a fairytale. It was in this moment that she realized that nothing in life was fair. There were no happy endings, and perfect stories to tell for generations. She had been fooled.

By her father.
By her brother.
By her friends.
And by the one man she never knew she'd fall deeply in love with, Akwesi.

The warm blood trickled down her brown cheeks, followed by thick salty tears that mixed in with the blood splattered over her face and along the top of her chest. The blood had landed there shortly after the blast, leaving her stuck as the sound of the gun rang out, shaking her eardrums. She stood in the pool of blood that didn't belong to her, reflecting. Reflecting on how it came to this. What had gotten her in this position in the first place, and where she'd end up next. The lifeless body laid before her, causing her to fall atop of him, allowing her body to sink into his own as she began to cry hysterically. There was no way to bring him back. There was nothing she could do to turn back the hands of time either.

He looked peaceful, like he had been sleeping. Her life would be like nothing of the sort, but pure hell after experiencing tonight's events.

With closed eyes, she whimpered against his body as the warm blood leaking from his open wound drenched her t-shirt. She had begun to reminisce on what had led up to this moment. She thought back to how her life had fallen a part in the last 8 months, and how it all determined exactly where her loyalties lie.

Where Your Loyalties Lie: (Ryan Destiny & Kofi Siriboe)Where stories live. Discover now